Saturday, October 30, 2010

Waking In The Dark

Is it me or is it ridiculous that I arrive at work at 8:00 a.m. and the sun still hasn't come up yet? What's that? It's not just me? Good, I'm glad you are in agreement. How the government thinks we are saving energy by waking up in the dark is beyond my level of thinking... I wake up in the dark and in a week I will be arriving home at sunset. Which means I will be running in the dark - and then spending the rest of my day in the dark... I don't know, I find it amazing the government thinks they can fix things which do not need fixing.

Since Arlo arrived just over a month ago, I haven't been sleeping that much anyway. Waking up every few hours and going to be later than usual can really start to take a toll on a person. Arlo has decided that bedtime should be sometime between 11:30 and midnight - which is usually when I go to bed anyway, but I still have stuff to do after he goes to bed - thus adding to my night.

Laura has done really well with the boys though. She is getting them into a routine and they are starting to figure out brotherhood is going to work. I'm still not sure I have figured out how fatherhood is going to work with two boys! Emryk is learning about 'time out' and slowly understanding he can't be hitting Arlo or yelling late into the night and Arlo is learning that he is going to be harassed when Emryk is around. Overall though, Arlo is happy and wants to cuddle most of the time. It is amazing how quickly an infant develops characteristics and how different they can be from a sibling.

We will see how the winter season goes for us. If we are cooped up all winter because of cold temperatures and large amounts of snow, we might have to vote someone out of the house - and I might be willing to just leave without the vote! However, the forecast is for a warmer winter with less snow - perhaps I will be able to get out and run enough to blow off all that craziness! I know Laura is hoping so as well!

Until again


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