Monday, November 06, 2006

If You're Happy And You Know It...

...You know the rest of the song. Clap your hands! I'm starting off the blog this morning with a video from Saturday Night Live on October 28, 2006 which features the music performer Beck singing Clap Hands. I just happened to be flipping through the channels at the time and caught the introduction so I thought I would see what he would sing. This is what happened and boy did I enjoy it. Not only does Beck play the guitar and the harmonica, but he's got the guys playing spoons as his percussion! SWEET! The video is about 3 minutes long so it will take awhile to load if you don't have high speed internet, but I think it is worth a watch.

It's been a pretty good week, I can say I am happy and I know it so I will clap my hands. I got my swan, the Huskers won, and Laura and I had a nice trip on Sunday to find some geocaches. The only disappointment was my efforts to change my blog on Saturday night. OH!..and the fact that the ABC affiliate here in Missoula covered the first half of the Nebraska vs. Missouri game and then in the middle of the third quarter they switched to the Montana State game. If there is one thing that makes me mad, it is cutting out in the middle of a play during a Husker game to air political commercials and then show a DI-AA game over my HUSKER game!

Saturday night I was working on changing my blog. I had it all complete and evidently I didn't save the html code, that's what makes the website look like it does, and at 2:20 a.m. I decided I wasn't going to mess with it any longer. So the blog almost had a new look to it, but I guess the internet gods just wouldn't have it. I think I am going to delete the weather information and such from the bottom of the right sidebar and clean things up. As it is now I think it looks a little jumbled and too much information to keep up with. I do like the hit counter that shows how many different people have come to my blog and I like the map that shows where everyone is from, but I am not sure I will be able to keep them on the new blog page so I might have to part with them.

Another reason to clap hands is I have been blogging for a year now! November 3, 2005 was my first blog entry and here it is, November 6, 2006 and I am still clogging the internet with my random thoughts and news.

Yesterday, Laura and I made a geocaching trip to Anaconda, Montana. Yes, Anaconda like the snake. We drove to Highway 1 on the Interstate and then took Highway 1 to Anaconda and then returned home on the Interstate - it kind of makes a loop if you look at it on a map.

While we were in Anaconda we took a trip to the Old Works copper smelting stack that is basically just a pile of bricks now, but once was an enormous smoke stack. We found a cache there and it was a neat place to hike around and see all the history that is there. The stack was built in the 1880's during the big boom for Copper in Montana. We were actually on top of a large hill, but from the photo it doesn't look like it. If you ever drive I-90 from Butte to Deer Lodge you will see a giant smoke stack about twenty miles outside of Butte, this ruin is across the valley to the North, vut you can't see it from the Interstate like the other one.

We stopped at the old state prison in Deer Lodge, Montana and that was quite a place to see. I want to return and take a tour of it. It has the old rock wall with guard towers and an old brick building with all the iron bars on the windows. Hopefully sometime next spring or summer we can find time to make a trip to see it.

We found 10 geocaches yesterday, which is really good because we looked for 10 caches. We had 17 planned out, but skipped a few so we could get home before it was dark. The odds of reaching 1,000 by Jan. 1, 2007 are really starting to turn against us now. We have about 50 days to find 132 caches.

That about does it for today. Don't be surprised if the blog looks different in the near future, I might be doing some experimenting with it to find a new format. Until again



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