Until The Snow Flys.
I don't even need to say anything. Just look at this.The winter quickly arrived in Western Montana on Sunday afternoon. Starting in the form of rain in the early afternoon, by 6:00 p.m. we had about an inch of snow on the ground. By the time Laura left to go babysit at 9:00 I was scooping about 3-4 inches of snow off the driveway and back deck. The snow didn't stop then though, it was still snowing when Laura came home around midnight and it was still going strong when we went to bed at 1:00 a.m. By Monday morning at 7:30 we had 11 inches of snow! I didn't mention the temperature was around 34 most of the night, so a lot of the snow was melting too! The snow finally stopped shortly after noon on Monday but came back for a second helping in the evening, but only adding an inch or two on top of things. By my meteorological investigations I estimate we received between 13 and 15 inches at the house!
As usual, the snow just fell slowly and stayed wherever it landed. Unlike the Nebraska and Wyoming snowfalls where the wind whips the snow into a series of drifts, the snow stays put here. Take a look at the chain-link fence! That's a regular metal pole on the top of the fence, and look at the snow piled up on top of it! I have to admit, that's one thing I enjoy around here, the snowfalls are beautiful.
Laura doesn't enjoy the snowfall as much when she has to walk to the bus stop to catch the bus too the college though. The half mile walk through a foot of snow wasn't too pleasant yesterday, as I experienced first hand. The lack of scooped sidewalks is more than ridiculous - understandable for elderly - but at 5:15 when I walked down to meet Laura at the bus stop it was easier to walk in the road than try to fight through the snow on the sidewalks.
On that note, I have a sidewalk of my own to scoop clear. Until again
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