Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Adding A Little More

The weather here in Missoula has been wonderful the past few days. 70 all day and 40 during the night. These are the type of days I could go for all year around, unfortunatly that seems to be only about 20 days out of the year that we experience this type of weather. The rest of the time it is too smokey, foggy, or down right cold to enjoy a good day outdoors. Sure, there is plenty to do, but you know the type of day that is perfect and you are not too hot and not too cold.

Heres the motherboard awaiting the arrival of my processor. You put that on the white square and then put a fan on top of that to keep it cool. Heat is a bad thing when it comes to computers - you don't want them overheating or they will be ruined - sometimes they even melt.

The processor, or the brain of the computer, isn't very large at all. In fact, by looking at the picture you can see that it would be fairly easy to lose if you were to misplace it before installing it. Also, you should never touch the pins on the back side of the processor - they are very sensitive and they bend easily and in that case you have yourself an expensive item that does not work. After installing the processor the cooling system is securing into place as well. The aluminum cooling is then placed on top of the processor, which is cooled with a fan that blows air over the aluminum - the aluminum draws heat away from the processor, thus cooling it. Now, there are other ways of cooling a processor such as water cooled systems, but those are usually quite expensive and involve a lot more work!

Here's the motherboard with the processor unit ready to go. The fan is plugged into the motherboard. Oh! One thing I forgot to mention about installing the processor to the cooling system. You need to use a thermal adhesive when connecting these two - I am not exactly sure why, but I should look into that. I just know bad things could happen otherwise.And for those who havn't checked out the blog in a few days, I have gained the ability to post video segments onto my blog. Check out Monday's blog of the skateboarding! I might try and see what fun things I can come up with but until then I will just post some old video I have taken. Here is some video from the Thorofare hike we did a few months back through Yellowstone. WARNING people who become motion sick easily, namely my mother, should take into consideration that the video is usually poor quality and lacks stability of frame - heck, I shot the video as I was hiking with a 55 pound pack on my back, I wasn't exactly strolling through the park. Sorry, no audio on this video either - but tune in tomorrow and I promise there will be.

I leave you with that. Wednesday looks to be a rather slow day for me, although a lenghty one at that. I will be playing Ultimate Frisbee from 6:00 until dark. I will jet home for a shower and supper before heading out to the airport at 11:30 p.m. to pick Laura up when her plane lands. The report from work is that there isn't any for the day, so I will be finding my own around the house.

Until again



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