Day = Work, Night = Rest
Right now the official sunrise is 7:40 - the sunlight doesn't actually shine into the valley until sometime around 8:15. I show up for work at 8:00. The sun officially sets at 5:00, but disappears behind the mountains around 4:45, and I take my work gloves off at 5:00... Lets see, that leaves me approximately thirty negative minutes of sunlight. I say negative minutes because I actually work for thirty minutes during the day when I don't see the sun.
So what exactly am I doing you ask? Well I am helping salvage some old lumber mill buildings. The building we are working on right now is 200' by 150' foot and about 40 foot at the top of the roof. None of the building is going to be thrown away. The lumber is being salvaged, the metal roofing is being salvaged, the wood that is weak or broken will be taken to the cardboard mill, even the nails will be recycled as scrap metal.
Here's an aerial shot from a mile above the buildings. Right now we are working on the building in the bottom center, and soon we will be working on the building in the upper left with the bright shiny roof.

Until again
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