Monday, March 10, 2008

Rylan's Rare Goose

Well, in case you missed it. Rylan got himself a rare snow goose last week. Actually, it's a Blue Phase Ross' Goose. Most snow geese have a blue phase where they are more of a gray color than white, but a Ross' goose does not, and they are often much smaller than a snow goose. If you didn't know what to look for then you might overlook the Blue Phase Ross' Goose all together. We went out hunting a little this weekend, but mostly just watched the geese fly around and never managed to get a shot off on Sunday. Rylan did bag about 45 geese on Saturday while I slept in and caught up on sleep.

Work has been going well. I have been out in the fields doing some work and learning the details of my job. Mostly I have found that 4 wheel drive is about the best thing for driving across cornrows in muddy fields! What a bumpy ride that is! As you can imagine, my work truck has become quite dirty in the past several weeks, and I will be out in it again this Thursday and Friday for another great ride around the district to check on irrigation wells.

Laura has been keeping me up to date on her situation in Missoula. She will be defending her Masters thesis on April 4 and then we will be moving to Kearney the next weekend, April 12. It's hard to believe I have already been with my new job for two months now! Time has really gone fast, but thankfully, under the circumstances, that is the best way to get through this time.

Believe it or not, that's about all the news I have from my little world. I have been keeping as busy as possible with work and occasionally I try to go for a run in the evening - although I have been doing a pathetic job the past week. On Sundays I have started throwing the frisbee around to try to spark some interest in getting a better Ultimate Frisbee crowd around the Kearney area, but it will be a long time before we see must ground made. Oh well, I enjoy throwing the frisbee around and getting out to enjoy the outdoors regardless.

To wrap things up, I should mention that Rylan's goose was featured on the local news on Sunday evenings "The Outdoors Files. Kent does a nice job of explaining why the goose is so rare.

Until again



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