Another weekend has come and gone, and as usual Laura and I have made the most of it. Although we have a long list of things to do, we still manage to find some time to take a break and enjoy some of the local area events.
Friday evening we met up with our friends from Minnesota, Nick & Becca, and cooked up a mess of Cowboy Stew. If you don't know what Cowboy Stew is, well to put it bluntly, you really don't know what a little simple cooking can offer your taste buds. Nick and I survived on it while we were living together during the summer of 2003. Laura seemed to have had enough of it five years ago and has been less fond of it than Nick and I - but Becca had yet to try it, and so it came to be that on Friday evening we finally found the time.

Saturday afternoon Laura and I went to Holdrege and took in the airshow. There were several stunt pilots flying in the show, and did some amazing maneuvers, but my main attraction was seeing the WWII era fighter planes. I am not a big buff when it comes to airplanes or anything of the manner, but actually seeing an airplane that actually flew during the era is something I couldn't pass up.
It's times like this when I wish I had a nice digital SLR camera to get some great photos, but I manage to make due with what I have - and here's what I got.

Sunday was another busy day. We spent a good majority of it with my parents fixing cars, organizing and rearranging some of our things - some might call it junk really - and checking out the vegetable garden. So far our pumpkins are off to a great start, but it appears our strawberry plants didn't fair so well from the move from Montana. So, the brings the total loses from the move to three strawberry plants and one car - however, the strawberry plants may be of equal value to the car, so our loses have now nearly doubled! Har har!

Speaking of moving stuff, we have a short list of things we can't find after our move. It's amazing actually. We went through all of our stuff, yet somehow we managed to lose some it along the way... That wonderment has been pushed to the back burner for the time being, we just have not clue where we would find some of those things or why we haven't seen them. Stand by for updates on that strange situation.
Until again
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