Friday, May 15, 2009

Few & Far Between

Sadly enough, it seems like getting one blog posting up in a month is a real task. As family members pointed out to me last weekend, they can tell I am busy when I haven't posted on the blog in a few weeks. Well, that's the truth, busy is becoming the normal these days. Laura and I are really starting to slow down and relaxing when we get a chance. When we had a free minute we would run out the door and maybe find a geocache or go for a quick run - these days it seems like a few minutes to sit down and check email is about as good as it gets. In fact, here it is a little after 10:00 p.m. and I put Emryk to bed about half an hour ago - so far I have been able to check my email and make a quick cruise onto Facebook, but other than that, my evening has been filled with boogers, cracker crumbs, screams & crying (Emryk and I both) and a now a few moments to shut the eyes and think about sleep.

I don't really mind the fact that Emryk wants to play and have attention, it's the matter of finding time to get some of my stuff done once he crashes for the night. I plan on getting a quick bowl of cereal and maybe watching a few minutes of the news (while trying to catch up on the internet) and then getting to bed myself. It's amazing how someone so small can cause you to use up so much energy! I can understand why parents tend to age at a faster rate - the lack of sleep and constant thought of "where could I hide for 15 minutes to take a nap" are always wearing on them. For me, a thirty minute run is total freedom - just enough time to get about 4 miles in and then get back home to start into the evening with Emryk. Not that I'm complaining, our lives would be rather dull without him!

Until again



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