Sunday, August 20, 2006

Weekend Update

No, this isn't the Saturday Night Live weekend update, it's just an update from the world of Nolan. As I commented on Friday, our geocache is hidden and ready for geocachers to find. We made it a little harder than usual to get to though. Instead of just an easy walk down a trail, we put it on an island called Kelly Island where the Bitterroot & Clark Fork rivers flow together - or for you geography types, the confluence. This isn't an island like the one Andy & Amber hid a geocache on in Kearney - no boats required for ours. A little wading is required and then a short walk without a trail will lead to a 5 gallon bucket full of school supplies. We named it Kelly Island - Back to School Special and we have already had 3 geocachers find it since Friday morning.

Yesterday Laura and I did some geocaching and we found 5 caches. They were some caches we had been wanting to do for awhile and cross them off the list so it was nice to be able to complete them and think about some different caches for awhile. We might grab a few caches today if we get a few moments, but for the most part all the geocaches in Missoula are complete. We have to hike into the mountains or take a trip to another town to do any massive amount of caching. And since we don't plan on taking any trips in the near future, our goal of 1,000 by New Years might be a tough goal. We are at 744 right now so 1000 - 744 = 256. There are 133 days left in 2006 so 256/133 = 1.93 or in other words, we need to find two caches a day for the rest of the year! We were hoping that our Yellowstone trip would help us stay far ahead of that average, but in reality it just kept us on pace. Therefore, I think 900 is going to be more likely for us... So really anything between 900 and 1000 will do just fine!

...and finally, the picture I promised of the Sago Palm is here! The plant finally did something and proved it was alive! After all this time of listening to Laura tell me it was dead and that we should just throw it out - lets just say it's a good thing someone around here has a little patience... Ha ha! I will be trimming back the large leaves soon, but not too soon becuase the new leaves actually get their nutrients from the old leaves. Some people will cut the leaves off too soon and then the new leaves have no way of growing.

Well, that will do it for the weekend update. Until again



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