A Change Is Coming
The Stones concert evidently went well. The town didn't burn down and things were pretty slow the past few days. I guess when you are a rockstar in your 60's you don't inspire much rebellion.?.? We decided not to partake in the madness so Laura and I walked up to the top of the neighborhood hill and looked down at the event - wasn't much to see actually. The weather was threatening rain and it was a little more humid than usual so the air felt a little thicker and warmer - I miss humidity.
Hunting season opened last Saturday and I havn't even made a move towards the shotgun yet. Laura and I will be hunting Saturday with a guy I met from Florida. He is here in Missoula for his company and we are looking forward to getting out and doing some wing shooting. I might take a trip this afternoon and see if I can't find me a duck or two.
Laura has an exam this afternoon that will last until the evening so I will be on my own the entire day. I might as well get on down the road a ways and spend some time outside. The temperature today is supposed to be around 70-75. That reminds me of hunting in Nebraska a few years back. **Que the flashback music** It was my brother Rylan, my cousin Darrin, and myself out hunting in early October 2001 in Nebraska. We were out doing some duck hunting and the temperature was already around 70 at 10:00 a.m. - by the time we were starting to pick up decoys Darrin was in shorts and walking around in the water without any waders on, just in some boots which were far from keeping water out. I was sweating like mad in my waders and Rylan was in his shorts on the shore putting decoys in the bag. I think we even shot some ducks in shorts and t-shirts that morning as well. Heck, I even found the picture from that day.What a goofy looking crew we were... But we shot some ducks and we had a fun time getting together to go hunting. Too bad I wasn't closer to Nebraska so we could get together and hunt more often, I need some reliable hunting partners to keep my going back for more. Plus we always had a funny story or comment from each other to share with the family after returning from the trip. One of the classic pranks we would pull was on the drive home. Usually Rylan would set in the back seat while Darrin or I drove home. Well, about 10 minutes into the drive Rylan would fall asleep and Darrin or I would catch him so we would point and laugh a minute and then we would slam on the breaks and scream - he would usually jump up wide-eyed and then tell us we were idiots. It never failed though, someone would fall asleep and we would get them good, and yes, I wasn't excluded either.
I might be changing the blog up a little over the next few days/weeks. Blogger (the website that I blog on) is switching over to Google and will be forcing everyone to eventually switch as well. Right now they are just testing the software, but I might try it out. You might not notice any difference or you might be a little lost - I don't know what will happen, but I guess we'll see. Have a great weekend! Until again
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