Thanksgiving Week
Well, I mentioned to Laura that I should update my blog and she quickly replied "Yes you should." I wanted to share some pictures of the building we are salvaging. Like I said before, it is about 30,000 square feet and about 40 feet high at the peak. I took the pictures last week, and we have nearly taken the roof off both sides now.
The first picture I took standing about 400 feet away from the building so I could get the entire thing in the picture. You can see the roof is being taken off of this side - it is gone now.
When the weather is nice, the work isn't so bad. However, today we had rain on and off all day, and I was soaked through by 5:00. Some morning we have frost and we stay off the roof due to the metal roof is slick even after a rain. The work has been nice though, it keeps me occupied and puts some money in my pocket. My first paycheck covered fuel for our trip to Nebraska and back - heck, we even have some left over money to replace a flat tire in Laramie if we need to. If you don't know what I am talking about read my blog from January 2006 "Back In The Big Sky."
I can't think any additional news at the current moment... We are working a three day week this week, and hopefully I can get fully recovered during the four day weekend.
Here's a picture I took during our geocaching trip a few weeks ago. We were on top of a pass outside of Philipsburg, Montana and the wind was really blowing. This was actually a stagecoach stop to get fresh horses after the big pull up the mountain. It didn't look like much of a mountain - more like a large hill... Don't tell anyone, but when we started back down the hill I put the car in neutral and we coasted back down the entire way - we hit 90 mph without much trouble. I can't imagine the horses would have had an easy time going up or down this area.
Here's another old ad I found on the internet for a 15 megabyte hard drive. For the low low price of $2,495.00 you too could have this exceptional piece of technology... This ad was from 1980 - a few years before I was born. To put the size into comparison, 15 megabytes is very very small by todays standards, and it is only going to get smaller.
I'm ready for the work week to be over so I can start recovering from my bruised hands are sore arms. Only two days to go! Until again
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