Friday, February 09, 2007

Fog & Rain

The weather has turned sour over the week. Actually, it wasn't all that great to start with, but it has 'gotten worser' in the last few days. The fog has been in the valley for the past three days and a light drizzle has been influencing the area as well. Things don't look to improve much over the weekend either. Then again, we are not receiving foot after foot of snow like the folks in upstate New York.

One good thing about the fog is we can't see the smog in the valley. The past few evenings while we are walking we have been seeing the ugly smog that lingers in the valley over town. I like to pretend I am not breathing that air, but unfortunately I know better.

Tuesday wasn't too bad of a day. There wasn't much smog in the valley and the sun was shining bright. Temperatures tickled the 50 degree mark and Laura and I went out for a run around the neighborhood. We usually average a run once a month right now, but it is nice to still be able to run 2.5 miles in less than 20 minutes, those are 8 minute miles and not a bad jog for us. The bad part of running so rarely is the soreness in the legs and the stiff muscles the next few days. After our run we met up with some friends for 'Pub Quiz.' A local pub has trivia every Tuesday and we finally gave in and went to hang out and play trivia with everyone. Our group finished about 6th or 7th out of approximately 25 teams which isn't too impressive by any means, but still better than the majority.

This weekend we are going to start planning a spring break trip - another road trip. We had thought to drive around Montana and see some things, but on second thought, spring break is still early enough in the Montana spring to have snow cover and we decided that might be less desirable than we want. Our new plans are for a trip through Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington. Plans are still early in planning so who knows what will change, but I would like to check out a ghost town in Nevada that I studied in college and now would be the time to check it out. It is a ghost town of the famous American West. Real shoot outs, gambling, bandits, girls and more! You name it, it happened here.

I plan on watching the Bud Shootout on Sunday too. Yes, NASCAR is back for the 2007 season and I am ready to watch some racing. There are going to be a lot of changes this year and I am looking forward to see what that means for the racing world. I would like to get to a race in the next few years, it's been 10 years since being at Daytona for the Pepsi 400, and I am due up for another race...

Hopefully we can plan out some trip details this weekend and maybe while we are at it, we can find a geocache or two. Have a good weekend! Until again



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