Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bye Bye Winter

Spring starts today at 6:07 pm (Mountain Time). The flowers are indicating that it's getting nice outside and they are approaching bloom. Laura and I worked the flowerbed this weekend, mostly racking out the leaves and moving the woodchips that were covering all the little flowers.

Laura is feeling better today, she has gone to the lab this morning to see how she does for the day. We both slept like rocks last night, we even took a nap yesterday afternoon for an hour. Ultimate Frisbee pick-up started yesterday evening so I went to play a little. I figured I was in bad shape, so I didn't expect to play for long, but turns out I was in pretty good shape and played the entire time - about an hour and a half. I definitely can feel it this morning though, my legs and back are tight and I am slow getting around, but that was expected. Might as well get through these pains now and do away with them once the spring league starts.

Laura and I managed to get through the science fair. We were actually judging the state science fair, much to our surprise. There are some very creative middle school and high school kids out here and it is good to see that they are interested in the sciences. We judged a global warming entry, string telephone, electromagnets, sun-baked cookies, and flame tested chemical entries. Laura was feeling the effects of little food and no sleep by the end of the first round so I brought her home to rest for the remainder of the day. I think that helped her out because she was much peppier this morning as she left for school. Pub quiz is tonight but I don't know if Laura will be going or not. We usually end around 11 and I think Laura will be tired far before we are done, especially if she is at the school the entire day.

We're coming down to four days until we leave for our trip! As far as my itinerary goes we have made it as far as Fort Bragg, California. We are going to continue north on Highway 1 to Highway 101 until we reach North Bend, Oregon and the Sand Dunes National Recreation Area. We are thinking we will camp at the dunes that night. On the way to North Bend we are going to geocache and hopefully find some time to find some good spots to pull over and watch the coastline for the Gray Whale migration which should be taking place. In North Bend we will have a chance to see a ship wreck on the beach, actually maybe a few ship wrecks along the way. We also will be traveling through the Redwood National Park - where the giant Redwood trees grow. That should be neat to see and hopefully we won't have too much on our plate for the day so we can take advantage of all the fun.

Time to start packing our bags and getting the car ready for the trip! Until again



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just reading your entries and I am saddened to see that there is no mention of your newest little cousin, Kaleb! I know that you are aware of him, we got your card in the mail yesterday =) (Thank you, by the way!) Take care, Bri

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:27:00 PM  

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