Let's Roll!
I must have really spaced out to forget to mention that part of my hand fell off! Well, not part of my actual hand, but part of my GPS which is permanently affixed to my hand. Yeah, part of my GPS broke, I mostly blame Laura because she discovered the problem. He he. If you check out the picture to the right you can see my improvised solution to the problem. See the button on the side of the GPS - to the right of the electrical tape? Well, the button that was located above that fell off while we were out in the woods and fell into the weeds. Good luck finding it in that mess of sticks and grass... So, after a few unhappy thoughts I started thinking of how to fix the problem. First, I figured I could buy a new part, but I have been unable to find any, so I decided that a homemade solution was the answer. I took this straight out of "Denny's Cookbook of Simple Home Fixes." You can't find the book in any stores, so don't bother looking, it's one of those 'family things' that doesn't get published but somehow gets passed along to those who read into it. The book called for a quarter inch length of 3/16" dowel to be used for the absent button and the covered with electrical tape. Not too secure, mind you. Making the tape too tight would keep the button pushed constantly and that won't do.
So the GPS is fixed and ready for the trip - well, it's fixed for now anyway. I will keep some tape and a spare dowel length ready in case of emergency. After nearly 50,000 miles the GPS has had a rough life - a trip through Death Valley at 120 degrees, a hike into the wilderness of Yellowstone, moving from Nebraska to Montana, countless trips in the car, once I even left it on the top of the Canubaru and drove off with it up there! Needless to say, it took a lot of apologizing to the GPS before it would work properly.
On our trip we are going to be geocaching along the way. We are going to start a travel bug named Johnny Cache. What's a travel bug? Well, it's an item that has a tracking number on it, and when someone sees it or picks it up, they and take it with them and then drop it off at another cache. They log that they moved the item and you can follow it on the internet wherever it is traveling. Our travel bug is going to be like Johnny Cash and travel everywhere. You probably know the song "I've Been Everywhere" and he names a bunch of places off. Well, we are going to try to get the travel bug to as many places as possible from that list... The song starts out:
I was totin' my pack along the dusty Winnemucca road
When along came a semi with a high and canvas covered load
If you're going to Winnemucca, Mack, with me you can ride
So I climbed into the cab and then I settled down inside
He asked me if I'd seen a road with so much dust and sand
And I said, Listen, I've traveled every road in this here land.
So, just like the song, we are going to start our travel bug out somewhere near Winnemucca, Nevada and see where it goes. You can follow Johnny Cache around too, just go >>HERE<<.
Well, there is still some packing to finish before Laura gets home and I think the sink is full of dishes that need cleaned before we leave too, so I have enough to keep me busy for the afternoon. I'll be back to blogging on Monday April 2. Until again
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