Sunday, June 07, 2009

Up On The Roof

Laura and I are going to be moving into the house I grew up in. There have been some repairs needed for quite awhile and this summer we are jumping right in to get them going. The house is 25 years old and hasn't needed much maintenance, but in 2002 we had a major hail storm rip through the area and it did a real number on the roof. I'm not talking about small hail stones, I am talking the size of softballs. Some of them went through the roof at the house and so we had to replace some of the sheeting on the roof too. For the past seven years we have relied on the patches we made on the roof to keep the water out, but in the past few years they have started to deteriorate and so it's time to put in some time and shingle the house. Last weekend we put in over 30 hours of work and finished the entire north side of the house.
We finished the back at 11:00 p.m. on Sunday night - so I didn't get any pictures of the finished result. We were going to shingle again this weekend but the scattered rain showers have kept us off the roof. That might be for the best since we could use a few day to rest. Yesterday we ran a 5K race here in Kearney and had a great time doing it, we both ran pretty good but my dad still beat us so it appears we have some more work to do.Hopefully we can get back to the roof soon so we can finish it off and then start with other projects to help get the house back in top shape. I'll try to keep you updated on a more regular basis.

Until again



Blogger Aaron said...

Haha... this is the Roof that you and Nick were supposed to replace 5 years ago, funny :)

Monday, June 15, 2009 10:29:00 PM  

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