November Ending
Wow, November is already over?! Soon 2006 will be another year gone by and we will be looking at the beginning of 2007. However, we have to make it through my favorite month before we get to 2007 - that month being December. Why is December my favorite month? Simple, to kick things off my birthday is only a few days into it. I don't really have another good excuse until Christmas and New Years, but since last year, December means we are heading back to Wyoming and Nebraska for a few weeks! That means in 2 weeks and 1 day we will be rolling down the road and counting the miles back home.
This morning the snow started falling just a few minutes before 8:00. It snowed until lunch time and we had another inch of snow to work with. Here's some progress of the salvage work we have done this week. We removed the east side of the building that was exposed to the outside and left the exterior wall in place. We also removed the gable from both ends of the building. That was a lot of fun to watch - we just knocked it down and it came down with a mighty crash! It was a lot of fun to actually destroy something, and something BIG to boot. We spent all of today cleaning it up and since the forklift is at the shop until late tomorrow, we get Friday off! I think I will try to go hunting tomorrow, I need to try a few more times before we are gone for the rest of the year! The last picture shows the east side of the building. It used to extend out to the light pole, but our work this week has been productive and it is gone.Not much else to share today. I'm looking forward to listening to some Nebraska talk radio on the internet in the morning, and I am even more excited to be able to listen to it in Kearney in a few weeks. Until again
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