Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's amazing how random people will come and talk to you about your baby when you are in the store. Well, ok, so mostly it's just ladies who see a baby and ask how old he is or what his name? Not that I mind though. I have no problem chatting with perfect strangers at the store. It's nice to be friendly with people you don't know, it brings a sense of good feeling to be able to talk to someone you don't really know and walk away a little better than when you came. Especially if you listen to the news these days, heck the world is out to get everyone according to them...

In more important news, Emryk is 6 weeks old now! It's amazing how our once thought of lack of sleep has been transformed into a typical nights 'rest.' He did manage to sleep for over 6 hours last night, and that really helped us reengergize.

Well, just when I think I have a few minutes to sit down and blog I am once again summoned to take hold of our little bundle! I guess I'll try again the next time I get a full night of sleep!

Until again
