Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Book Off My List

It's a good feeling to finish a book. Thankfully, Emryk crashed around 8:15 tonight and that allowed me to sit down and finish the book I started back in June of 2008. Yeah, I'm a slow reader - I like to read everything closely to get the full understanding of the book. Forget that speed reading stuff, I like getting the full enjoyment out of the books I read. Slow and steady is how I read.

I don't read for entertainment. I have tv, video games and internet for that. I read to educate myself - mostly I stick to history books. Since graduating from college I think I have read three history related books - Death In Yellowstone, Undaunted Courage (Lewis and Clark), and tonight I finished Nothing Like It In The World. The last two books have been by Stephen Ambrose and I enjoy his writing style.

Nothing Like It In The World is the story of the Transcontinental Railroad across the United States. I picked up a copy of it when we were living in Missoula and put it on the shelf to read after I finished the Lewis and Clark book.

Interestingly enough, I read Undaunted Courage while living in Missoula, an area full of Lewis and Clark history and once we moved back to Kearney I started Nothing Like It In The World which talks about the very railroad which was key in the development of modern Kearney and runs right through town.

I don't think I will start a new book for awhile. I have a stack of National Geographic magazines waiting for me to read - we started getting those when we were living in Missoula too. Not to mention I have a few outdoor magazines that I have been piling up to read as well.

Maybe I will have the magazines read by the endo of the summer and I will be ready for another book to get me through the winter. I have been thinking about reading a book about Theodore Roosevelt or maybe even William Fredrick Cody - better known as "Buffalo Bill." I think a book about Buffalo Bill would be very intersting - Laura is from Cody, Wyoming, a town founded by Buffalo Bill. He also has some history of being in Nebraska and I'm a sucker for local history.

Then again, I'm always open for suggestions.

Until again


Sunday, February 08, 2009


The trusty Garmin eTrex has reached a milestone - 111,111.1 miles since I first started using it over 4 years ago. I take the thing with me everywhere I go. I pulled over on my way to work Thursday to take the picture of the GPS - yeah, I even use it everyday I drive to work. Heck, I even plug it in while I drive around at work and log the miles I travel. Most of the time I am just interested in logging the miles I travel each month - last year in April I had a 5,000 mile month! Take into consideration that I did go to Missoula and move back that month, so that was a quick 2,500 miles. Although, last summer I did have a few months over 3,000 miles and one that was even close to 4,000!

Maybe you noticed the new picture that tops off the blog. I decided as nice as the Bitterroot Mountains were, they just didn't represent our current situation - plus a little change is good now and then. I took the picture of the geese last month while we were geocaching in Grand Island, Nebraska. Speaking of geocaching, Emryk has gone out on a few geocache finds with us - he and Laura found one just the other day while I was taking pictures. Ok, maybe he didn't find it, but he sure wanted to play on the log that we were searching around!

The recent warm weather has really been teasing us that spring will be here quickly, although I suspect we might be in for one last snowfall this winter - at least I hope so. If it doesn't snow here I would like to make it out to Wyoming and do some snowshoeing in the mountains for a day with Laura. I don't know that we could make it a full day right now, be both feel like we are a little out of shape, so maybe just half a day would do! Here's hoping for just a little more winter!

Until again


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I had planned to blog yesterday and get one extra blog in for January, but that wasn't the case. So, I guess I will start of February with a blog... Yeah, today is Super Bowl Sunday. Not that I care much, I will probably sit and watch for awhile, mostly for the commercials, and once the game is lopsided I will find something else to do.

I mentioned in my last blog that we moved my computer into the living room for Emryk's room. I don't believe I mentioned the fact that I lost a computer desk in the process. In an effort to move the computer a little faster, I left everything on the cart and started pushing it out of the room. I made it about ten feet and then disaster struck. I should have been pulling the cart instead of pushing it - it probably would have made it - but hindsight makes us all smarter doesn't it?

So far I haven't found anything that broke from the collapse, althought I did put a pretty good dent in my sub woofer for my speakers. The monitor took quite a tumble, I think it rolled onto it's top - I quickly grabbed it and sat it upright. Then I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures. The computer tower sits on the floor, so there was no worry about that.

Emryk has become a master at sitting up and playing with his toys. On top of that, he doesn't mind being left alone to play while we do some chores or make a meal. The other day I snapped of photo of him while he was playing in the crib. Yup, he's got it pretty rough.

Until again
