Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Goodbye Johnny Cache?

Where has Johnny Cache gone? It appears no one knows and because of that I fear he is GONE. Some of you might be wondering what I am talking about - well, I'm talking about a Geocaching Travel Bug that Laura and I released in March of 2007 near Winnemuca, Nevada named Johnny Cache. I blogged about it back then, and I made some updates as it moved around the country, but for the past eight months there hasn't been a hint of activity. To be honest, there isn't too much to be surprised about, missing travel bugs are quite common unfortunately. We are guilty of nearly losing them ourselves. Perhaps it's a small item that gets dropped between the seats in the car or it is simply placed in the pocket of a backpack and then put in the closet for a few months (or more) before being discovered again. It happens.

The evidence for Johnny Cache appears to be the always strange and unexplainable disappearance out of a geocache. Johnny was placed into a geocache outside Kansas City on March 7, 2010. Since then, about thirteen different geocache groups had been to the geocache and several have mentioned that Johnny isn't there - and no one seems to know where he's gone. SO, with the information given I think Johnny has disappeared for good.

I'm not sure what the average lifespan or distance of travel is for a Travel Bug but I think Johnny did pretty well to make it 9,731.2 miles in three years. The states traveled to are: California, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina.
It was fun to watch the progress and see where Johnny was going. It makes me want to travel to those places and see what can be found. Maybe someday Johnny will reappear from somewhere I would never suspect, but it's best to not be too hopeful. Perhaps we will release another Travel Bug sometime - just to vicariously travel with it and see if it can make it farther than Johnny did. I don't really have any travel goals in mind, but I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to come up with something. For now, it's nice just to see how far Johnny Cache was able to travel and hold on to that little glimmer of hope that just maybe we'll see him again...

Until again
