Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Electric Bills

Well, I usually don't get too political with my blogs, but sometimes the truth is just too much to let pass... Al Gore won an Oscar the other day for his movie An Inconvenient Truth. If you have seen the movie then you know all about the global warming issue and how everyone is running around like a bunch of idiots, mostly because no one listened ten years ago and now they think they can do something... Well, I won't get into the global warming theory, but I will say that one thing Gore points out in his movie is to be more conservative when it comes to energy issues. Well, I guess he didn't take much heed to his message because the Tennessee Center for Policy Research released information yesterday about Gore's mansion in Nashville, TN. His 20 room, 8 bathroom mansion uses more electricity in one month than most people use in one year. Here's the report:

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).
In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

Well, with that wonderful information I have a 6 minute video to share. I watched this last night and laughed for quite awhile. It is Ellen calling an 88 year old woman in Texas and she is 'honest' with Ellen about her life and doesn't hold anything back. Probably one of the funniest videos I have seen in quite some time.

Yesterday I went for a 2 mile run. I stepped on the scale Sunday morning and my eyes about popped out of my head when I saw the scale flirt with the 200 pound mark again! Uh oh! So, yesterday during a snow shower I laced up my running shoes and went two miles. Ultimate Frisbee starts up in a little over a month so it's time to get in shape anyway. I am feeling it today though, all I did was 2 miles at 8:25 pace - that is slower than I ran in high school. I guess I have to start slow to get fast again, and it's a good thing I am starting now, I need to get back in shape. I just get tired, literally, of running up and down the mountain, I want to run where it is flat and I can run for mile after mile and breath some clean air.

It's quiz night at the pub and we have been looking forward to it once again! We are gonna break the top five one of these days! It's only a matter of time. Until again


Monday, February 26, 2007

...And The Oscar Goes To...

The Oscar award goes to anyone who actually sat and watched the entire academy awards last night. Sweet mercy, could they make that show any longer? I think it was around 6 when coverage started, and when I checked at 10:30 they were still going. If that isn't the most ridiculous awards show on Earth then I don't know what is. A bunch people who are in the spotlight daily are taking up my Sunday evening by awarding themselves for being so talented and wonderful. Maybe instead of spending all that money on the awards show, they could just save everyone and donate the money to charities who actually need it...

If you couldn't tell, I am a little sick of award shows on television. What was on television this weekend to watch? Well NASCAR is always a good option, and The Simpson's had a good show last night to fight the Academy Awards ratings. I couldn't find anything else to watch so I went to PBS and watched a show about the Andes of South America. Yup, that's how much I didn't want to watch the Academy Awards.

Over the weekend we found 13 geocaches, and every cache that we really looked for we found. We drove south of Missoula into the Bitterroot Valley and cached around Hamilton, MT. As usual, it was nice to get out of town for the day. We actually just spent the afternoon geocaching but that was enough time to see some new things and make a nice day trip. We had a geocache at a small pond that was loaded with ducks. It is a private pond that allows the public to come feed the ducks and those ducks like being fed! While we were at the pond I searched for some ducks with bands on their feet, just out of habit. I didn't spot any when I was there, but after I looked at my pictures I found several ducks with bands on their feet. It would be nice to have a better camera to take some better photos of wildlife, but as it is now I am content with what we have. At least we can take pictures and the digital camera is basically unlimited free pictures so over all it isn't that bad.

One of our geocaches in Hamilton was really funny and cleverly disguised. Not to many people would bend down to closely examine this type of geocache! Do you see it? If you look close enough you can see the canister underneath. We had seen this geocache before when we were at a geocaching party and knew what we would be looking for, but for the few people who do not know what they are looking for they usually a little hesitant to grab hold and check things out! ha ha! In case you were wondering, no it's not real, it is a gag item that is attached to a small tin canister. This is probably one of my favorite camouflage methods ever!

Sunday we did a few caches around town and found three of them. One we had been searching for well over a year to find it and yesterday we found it! Needless to say, we were pretty excited to have found it and now we are only 12 caches away from that big 1000. We are hoping to find them before we leave on our trip next month, otherwise we will find what we need on our trip. Profile for XC_Tracker
Until again


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fat Tuesday

President's Day was Monday, Mardi Gras was Tuesday, today is Ash Wednesday... What is happening on Thursday? I guess that is George Washington's birthday, but what an eventful week. Could we find a few more things to cram into the last few days of the week?

Sunday we were out geocaching and had to hike a few trails to get to the caches. The trouble was the ice all over the trails and that made for a fun time trying to go up and down the mountains. Laura resorted to crawling on her hands so she could get up the slope. I was laughing and decided instead of helping her up the hill I would take a picture. What a nice guy I am to capture such a funny moment in photo so we could always remember it. I don't think Laura saw it the same way, but she will someday...I hope.

We did do some more geocaching on Monday and ended up climbing straight up a mountain for several hundred feet before reaching the cache. Needless-to-say, our legs were on fire and we had to take a break when we reached the cache. We both agreed the exercise was needed though, and a good hike to whip us back into shape doesn't hurt either.

The past few weeks we have been going out on Tuesday night to a local pub. On Tuesday night it is "Pub Quiz" and every group answers questions to win prizes. The first two rounds are usually general knowledge and the third round is a matching round where you match items to what they belong. Last week we had to match the 'boss' to who the television show they appeared on. I only knew the cartoon bosses like George Jetson's boss was Cosmo Spacely. Round four is usually theme questions and then five is identification. Usually they show an obscure picture that is hard to identify the person. Round six is the music round, they play 10 songs and you have to identify the artist. I tend to think I have a good idea who sings a lot of songs, but Missoula is big into the obscure artists and half the time I have never heard of the groups. Last night the only song I knew was a Creedence Clearwater Revival song. Round seven is difficult questions and round eight is the final round called "Last call for know-it-alls." The questions are worth twice as much but usually are not general knowledge either.

The great thing about the pub is it is smoke free so we don't have to put up with everyone around us smoking and we don't smell like cigarette smoke for days afterwards. That is probably the number one reason I will go there. Most of Missoula is becoming smoke free and I really like it, even if it is controversial.

After quiz night was over, we listened to a one-man-band play for a few minutes before heading home and watching American Idol, which I recorded. If you are an American Idol watcher then I think you might agree that the guys really didn't do very good at all last night and hopefully the girls will do better tonight... They can't do much worse. I am looking forward to watching it tonight anyway.

Until again


Monday, February 19, 2007

President's Day

Happy President's day, or happy birthday to George Washington (Feb. 22) & Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12). Washington would be 275 years old and Lincoln would be 198. President's Day is one of the few national holidays which was originally related to Washington's birthday but in the 1980's there was a call to observe Lincoln's birthday as well and that's how President's Day came to be on the the third Monday of February.

As far as history goes, Washington is a guy that has some interesting history. He lead the Continental Army against the British in the Revolutionary War and as almost everyone knows, he was our first President. I say almost everyone because if you watch Jay Leno then you know he asks people who the first president was and sometime people don't know! I don't know too much about Washington, I mostly studied the time period beginning with the 1820's and then really focusing on The Civil War through World War II.

Lincoln, our 16th president was an interesting guy, and there are probably more stories than I have time to tell. Most people know him for freeing the slaves which is all nice and proper when you learn it in 1st grade. However, what most people never learn is that Lincoln did not intend to free the slaves. His intention was to preserve the Union and regain control of the Confederate South. After the North victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which set slaves free, but that was three years into the war and the North appeared to have a chance to win at that point. Lincoln's sudden assassination at the end of the war is a huge story in itself. It seems like a simple act, but actually there was a large plot to kill many members of the government. Lincoln was the only person who actually died, although Secretary of State William H Seward was attacked in his home with an ax and badly mangled. Most of the other attackers backed out at the last minute but were convicted in the conspiracy. The first woman to be executed in the U.S. was part of the plot, and the history behind the executions is amazing as well. Maybe someday I will get to that.

However, Theodore Roosevelt is one of my favorite Presidents. He lost his first wife only four years into their marriage, just two days after the birth of their daughter. His mother died on the same day as his wife. He lived in North Dakota for some time before remarrying and honeymooning in Europe where he climbed Mount Blanc - only the 3rd expedition to ever reach the summit. He was a 'Rough Rider' during the Spanish-American War. He was the Vice President under McKinley, who was assassinated several months into his second Presidency and left Teddy Roosevelt to President. Later he helped to gain National Parks. The list goes on and on. Here's some quotes from Roosevelt that I like:

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

"In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing."

"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!"

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad."

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

"Teddy" Roosevelt was President from 1901-1909 and during that time period America was still trying to prove to the world that we were strong and not one to mess with. It really wasn't until The Great War or as most know it now World War I, that America was to be seen as a powerful force. Roosevelt was one of the first Presidents to flex the American muscle and squelch the Spanish only 103 days after the outbreak of the war. The result of that war was gaining Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Guam, & Cuba. The Philippines & Cuba later gained independence.

Well, that's a quick history of a few of the greatest President's of The United States. I am thinking one of the next books I read will be about Teddy Roosevelt. I have only done textbook studying of Roosevelt and I would like to read a book about his life and not about his political events. I have aways to go before I start that book though. I am still reading Undaunted Courage, which is the story of Lewis and Clark and the Corp. of Discovery.

Laura and I did some geocaching this weekend. However, we didn't even find a cache! We went 0 for 3 and that was a little frustrating. We are ready to take a road trip and get out of town once again. The geocaching always seems easier when we are not on local turf...

The Daytona 500 was exciting for the last 50 laps. I had trouble watching it for the first half of the race, but things really heated up after that and the finish was one of the best in recent races! Laura can attest that I was jumping up and down and running around the living room, yelling the entire time. Sometimes the excitement can be overwhelming! I am glad Laura doesn't take pictures because I am sure I looked like a goofball. She will learn...

The sun did come out for awhile this weekend but the clouds have returned and it is dark and gloomy once again. It would be nice to get out for a walk or some geocaching this afternoon, but rain is predicted this afternoon so it might be another day spent indoors. I guess that's how it goes... Until again


Friday, February 16, 2007

Ten Days In The Dark

Will the sun come out today? It would sure be nice to see the sun sometime today. The sun has not been seen here in Missoula since last Tuesday - Feb. 5th. My eyes have adjusted to a dark environment and I have a feeling if the sun comes out it will be difficult to be outside without sunglasses on. If the sun doesn't show up today, our best bet is to see it tomorrow, otherwise there is rain or snow predicted every day until at least Feb 25.

We don't have any plans this weekend. Probably some more geocaching if we don't have too much rain and some more trip planning. I think we are set on a road trip south to Reno & Lake Tahoe and then west to San Francisco before heading north to Oregon and back home. I haven't been to Northern California so this will be new country to me. It's one of the general areas of the continental United State's I haven't been to so I am excited to see something new.

Sunday is the Daytona 500! Daytona is probably my favorite track, just because I have been there and have seen what a racecar at 190 mph looks like going past.. Well, actually it doesn't look like much because it's blurry and going fast! I don't have a favored driver, I just like watching the race. That means Sunday afternoon is booked, but otherwise our plans are open to anything that we might want to do.

Have a great weekend. Until again


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Happy Valentine's Day to all the lovers and the haters out there! Huh? Haters? You're probably wondering what I am talking about. Well, it was on this day 78 years ago, February 14, 1929 that the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre took place at a warehouse in Chicago. It is probably one of my favorite 'quick' history events. However, it is a bit of a gruesome event for such a 'lovely' day, so if you aren't one for blood and gore, then you might want to skip the rest of the blog today. There are a few pictures that, even though they are in black and white, have enough detail to turn your stomach.

Al Capone, also known as "scarface," (left) is a famous gangster known as a result of prohibition and organized crime, what a lot of people don't know is why he is so widely known. Capone came to power in the organized crime world after John Torrio, "Papa Johnny," (right) returned to Italy after a failed assassination which left him scarred and ready to leave the mob lifestyle. His would-be assassins, Hymie Weiss, the new leader of the North Side gang after Dean O'Banion was killed by Torrio's men, and George "Bugs" Moran had been rivaling Torrio and his gang in prohibition activities for several years, but their attempt to get revenge and kill Torrio failed when they opened fire on Torrio and his wife as they were returning home from a shopping trip. Firing into Torrio's car they struck Torrio in the jaw, lung, and abdomen. Moran then attempted to shoot Torrio in the head execution style but his gun misfired it's last bullet, leaving him without any ammunition. Moran fled the scene and Torrio's near death experience was when he called it quits.

Torrio handed the crime ring, known as the Chicago Outfit, over to his #2 man Alphonse Gabriel Capone in 1925 after serving jail time for his connections to prohibition violations. He then returned to Italy, his birthplace, to escape and relax.

The rivalry between the two gangs continued and in 1926 George "Bugs" Moran (left) returned for another shot at the Chicago Outfit boss. They attempted to hit Capone at his headquarters in Cicero, Illinois but failed once again and Capone was unharmed. Capone's men, furious with the rival gang, were ready for retaliation, however they would have to wait several more years to get it.

Vincenzo Gibaldi, known in America as "Machine Gun" Jack McGurn, (right) was the primary person responsible for many of the murders associated with the Chicago Outfit. Often he arranged 'hits' which Capone did not approve of because of the bad image the media then portrayed on Capone. In January 1929, while McGurn was using a telephone booth inside a hotel lobby, two members of the North Side Gang - Frank & Peter Gusenberg who had been following McGurn for weeks - opened fire on McGurn. Positive they had eliminated McGurn they left the scene, however McGurn fell to the ground immediately after the initial volley of gunfire and survived, although he was badly wounded and close to death. Medical attention was issued quickly and McGurn survived, which was bad news for the North Side Gang.

Although most people associate Capone with the events following the attempted murder of McGurn, he actually wanted little to do with the new plot being devised by McGurn as revenge. Capone bought a home in Florida in early February 1929 and left a few weeks later to stay over the Valentine holiday with his wife. Capone however did arrange for a mobster from Detroit, who was loyal to Capone, to arrange a drop of bootleg whiskey to Moran and the North Side Gang. Moran, unknowing Capone had helped arrange the meeting, agreed to meet at 2122 N. Clark Street where the S.M.C. Company garage was located in Chicago to receive the recently hijacked bootleg delivery truck. Capone had additionally arranged for another truck to be hijacked weeks prior to the meeting and delivered to Moran without incident to help ease concerns Moran might have had for the mid-February meeting. Another larger shipment would insure that the entire North Side Gang would be there to help with the smooth delivery alcohol. From there, McGurn was in charge of the actions.

With the meeting in place, McGurn and his gang bribed an officer or simply stole a police paddy wagon for the second phase of the plan. The police in Chicago were crooked in their ways at the time, and some even had connections with organized crime as hitmen. Additionally, Capone's men obtained police uniforms complete with badges and the works.

McGurn planned extensively for the operation. He placed lookouts across the street in upper level windows to watch for Bugs to enter the warehouse, however the lookouts were unaware as to what Bugs Moran looked like. One of the few mistakes McGurn made during the operation.

At 10:30 on February 14, 1929 the lookouts reported seeing Moran enter the warehouse. The Temperature was in the 20's and the snow was ending as Capone's gang arrived in the police paddy wagon, siren blaring and informing everyone of their arrival. Four men exited the vehicle, two in police uniforms and two in plain clothing wearing long coats. The men rushed inside, as police would do to apprehend bootleggers of the day. The North Side Gang, believing the men were actual police complied with the officers request to stand facing the wall - assuming a quick pat down would occur and they would then find no bootleg alcohol because the delivery truck had not yet arrived. As the seven men faced the brick wall, the two men dressed in long coats each pulled a Thompson submachine gun, also known as a Tommy Gun or Chicago Typewriter, out from under their coats and opened fire with .45 caliber bullets. Firing in the infamous back and forth manner that has been made famous in countless Hollywood movies, Capones men cut the unarmed North Side Gang down quickly. They fired several more shots into the victims who were twitching and writhing around on the floor, firing into moving arms and legs.

Witnesses then reported that two police officers exited the building with the apparent apprehension of two other men wearing plain clothes. The officers placed the two men in the paddy wagon and left the scene. Moments later the actual police arrived on the scene, greatly confusing witnesses who had just seen the police escort two men from the building. When police went inside the warehouse they found a gruesome sight. Seven men - the brothers who had tried to murder Jack McGurn - Frank and Peter Gusenberg, Adam Heyer, James Clark, John May, A.R. Weinshank, and an 'innocent' man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and just enjoyed the company of mobsters Dr. R. Schwimmer were laying next to the wall in pools of blood. The bodies of the men were mangled and several had been shot so many times through the torso that they had nearly been shot it half. The wall the men had been facing had hundreds of chips from the bullets hitting it as they bullets passed through the men. Notice that one man is even slumped over a chair. All of the men were dead, except for one. Frank Gusenberg, who had 22 bullets in his body was rushed to the hospital. Authorities, in effect framed for the murders of the men, worried the public would find the killings far out of hand and questioned Gusenberg as to who had shot him. Gusenberg replied to the effect "Nobody shot me." Perhaps that is why Frank was nicknamed "Tight lips." If you are a fan of The Simpson's you might have seen an episode or two with mobster references. One of those mobsters is Johnny Tightlips who was created from Frank Gusenberg.

McGurn's plan to kill George "Bugs" Moran had failed, although they had effectively wiped out the North Side Gang. Why wasn't McGurn there? Well, he happen to be running late for the meeting. The lookouts who were watching from across the street did not know what Moran looked like, but counted seven men walk into the warehouse. The seventh man was likely Dr. Schwimmer, mistakenly thought to be Bugs Moran.

None of Capone's men were ever convicted of the murders. Jack McGurn's alibi came from his girlfriend who claimed that they were together the entire day and Frank Gusenberg never told who had shot him before he died later at the hospital.

However, fate did find it's way into the picture. Seven years later in 1936 "Machine Gun" Jack McGurn was shot down in a bowling alley on Valentines Day in Chicago. Some references will say February 13 or February 15 as well, I don't happen to know which is true, but it's more interesting to think he was killed on Valentines Day as well. Two other men thought to be involved in the St. Valentines Day Massacre, Albert Anselmi and John Scalise, ultimately met their end at the hand of Capone himself in the baseball bat incident which is famous from the movie "The Untouchables" in which Robert De Niro is Capone.

Although it isn't certain which men actually carried out the murders of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, it is for certain that it will always be remembered as one of the most gruesome organized crime murders of the prohibition era and remain one of my favorite 'quick' history events.

Happy Valentines Day!

Until again


Monday, February 12, 2007

Photoshop Magic

Laura and I are finding a social group here in Missoula. Last week, we went out three times during the weekday and actually stayed out until past 10:30! Friday we spent the evening playing board games and cards. I participated in a game of Scrabble while Laura played Crazy Bee Rummy. That was only my second time of playing Scrabble but I still managed to break 100, so I was happy with 2nd place.

Saturday we did our taxes. Laura really likes to do taxes for some weird reason and she was wanting to do them two weeks ago. I finally gave in and we put our minds to work. It took us about an hour to file our Federal and Montana state income tax forms, and it appears we will be receiving a small refund. Just like last year, we plan to invest the money since we consider it to already be out of our pocket - we can live without it now, so we will put it aside and have more later.

Around 4:00 I started doing some work on an old photo of my great grandparents. I like to use Photoshop when I work on pictures, it's a professional style photo editor and it is a little intense if you don't know what you are doing. Although, it can do some amazing stuff! Here is the picture of my great grandparents of my paternal side of the family tree. Judging by the age they appear to be and knowing that they married in 1914 and he died in 1929, I suspect the picture was taken around 1914 or 1915. He is wearing his wedding ring, and they appear to be dress up for an event. Also, there are no children in the picture, which you might expect of the time period if they were all dressed up and having a picture taken.

The picture isn't in terrible condition, but is in bad shape and can be fixed with a little work. First of all, I scanned this picture while we were in Kearney over New Years. The picture I scanned it from was a printed version of a scanned picture of the original. So already we have a third generation copy of this picture and any time you take a copy of an original it loses it's quality. So the third generation is a little worse than I like to work with, but then again, the picture is around 90 years old, so I will take what I can get.

The first thing I did was remove the rips from the left side and then remove the dust and scratches from the picture. I decided to not venture far from the original look so I left it at that. However, I have been reading on the internet about coloring black and white pictures so I decided to try my hand at coloring the photo as well. Around 2:00 a.m. I decided I was satisfied with what I had for the time being and I finished the picture this morning. I guess I am happy with the result for now. For my first attempt at coloring an old photo I think it looks rather well. Hopefully I can get some more old family photos and touch them up, maybe add some color to a few of them as well. I kind of like working on the old pictures.

Sunday we did some geocaching and planned out our route for our first day of our spring break trip. We decided that a trip to San Francisco wouldn't be too bad, so we have started getting ideas for the trip and I have a feeling we won't be able to see everything we want to see. Before we leave though, we need to get the car working a little better. We usually get 25 miles/gallon at worst, but since our trip to Nebraska we have been getting 21/22 mpg and that adds up over a 2,000 mile trip!

Today I have a pile of dishes in the sink and the apartment is a bit of a mess, so it looks like I will be doing some work around the house and get it looking good as well. Our hopes of staining the headboard fell through since it was raining all weekend and temperatures didn't get above 35. We are still waiting to see the sun which disappeared a week ago and I suspect when it returns we will find a day to get that completed. Until then we will just wait, and until again


Friday, February 09, 2007

Fog & Rain

The weather has turned sour over the week. Actually, it wasn't all that great to start with, but it has 'gotten worser' in the last few days. The fog has been in the valley for the past three days and a light drizzle has been influencing the area as well. Things don't look to improve much over the weekend either. Then again, we are not receiving foot after foot of snow like the folks in upstate New York.

One good thing about the fog is we can't see the smog in the valley. The past few evenings while we are walking we have been seeing the ugly smog that lingers in the valley over town. I like to pretend I am not breathing that air, but unfortunately I know better.

Tuesday wasn't too bad of a day. There wasn't much smog in the valley and the sun was shining bright. Temperatures tickled the 50 degree mark and Laura and I went out for a run around the neighborhood. We usually average a run once a month right now, but it is nice to still be able to run 2.5 miles in less than 20 minutes, those are 8 minute miles and not a bad jog for us. The bad part of running so rarely is the soreness in the legs and the stiff muscles the next few days. After our run we met up with some friends for 'Pub Quiz.' A local pub has trivia every Tuesday and we finally gave in and went to hang out and play trivia with everyone. Our group finished about 6th or 7th out of approximately 25 teams which isn't too impressive by any means, but still better than the majority.

This weekend we are going to start planning a spring break trip - another road trip. We had thought to drive around Montana and see some things, but on second thought, spring break is still early enough in the Montana spring to have snow cover and we decided that might be less desirable than we want. Our new plans are for a trip through Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington. Plans are still early in planning so who knows what will change, but I would like to check out a ghost town in Nevada that I studied in college and now would be the time to check it out. It is a ghost town of the famous American West. Real shoot outs, gambling, bandits, girls and more! You name it, it happened here.

I plan on watching the Bud Shootout on Sunday too. Yes, NASCAR is back for the 2007 season and I am ready to watch some racing. There are going to be a lot of changes this year and I am looking forward to see what that means for the racing world. I would like to get to a race in the next few years, it's been 10 years since being at Daytona for the Pepsi 400, and I am due up for another race...

Hopefully we can plan out some trip details this weekend and maybe while we are at it, we can find a geocache or two. Have a good weekend! Until again


Monday, February 05, 2007

Turn Up The Heat!

Brr! It's cold outside. Look at the wind chill temperatures yesterday. 45 below at International Falls, MN and 36 in Las Vegas, NV!

30 in Missoula, MT. Go figure, no wind so the wind chill didn't have much of an influence on our temperatures. I spent the morning & afternoon working in the garage. The headboard is nearing completion and temperatures are estimated between 39 & 46 for today, depending on who you listen to... I suspect with the sun shining we might see 50 on the south facing side of the house, which might be nice enough to apply a finish to the headboard. I need to get a few more support brackets for the shelving and then we will be ready to stain the headboard.

That project actually went much better than anticipated. Laura did the sanding while I measured and cut all the dimensions to length. We had the frame put together by Saturday afternoon and I worked on the shelving yesterday before the Super Bowl.

As far as the Super Bowl goes, I guess it was okay. The opening kickoff return was well worth watching, and I told Laura before he even scored the touchdown that this was going to be a historical opening kickoff. As usual, I impressed her with my knowledge and she was in amazement for the rest of the day... Yeah, right..

The real reason everyone watches the Super Bowl is the commercials, and I have a few of my favorites to share now.

The auctioneer wedding was one of my favorites.

The axe bottle opener was another good one I laughed at.

Fed Ex ground had a funny one too.

Godaddy.com had a commercial I really liked but I can't seem to find any place that allows separate posting of the video so I will just say it was good - mainly because it had Kevin Rose from Diggnation & the Teutul's of Orange County Choppers. There is an extended internet edition of the commercial that adds race car driver Danica Patrick and Diggnation host Alex Albrecht into the commercial, I liked that one too.

Looking out my window, I see a fog beginning to role into the valley and I need to make tracks to town before things get crazy, so... Until again


Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil saw no shadow today! That means there will be an early spring and that is good news! I don't understand how Phil could have seen his 'natural' shadow this morning - look how dark it looks! When you have to set up lights to see what is going on, I think that the business of seeing a shadow has been rigged..? Anyway, I am hoping good ole' Phil has it right and we get an early spring, but if my memory serves me right, it seems that when we are told the prediction of an early spring we receive several feet of snow two weeks later...

You may have caught this on the news yesterday, but I thought I would pass along some ridiculous news from Montana. I have complained about the real estate market being so high and here is the reason as it is headlined: World record $155 million home to be built in Bozeman. The 53,000 square foot house would be several thousand square feet larger than a football field and is near Big Sky ski resort. There would be no road to the house and residents would be riding a heated gondola to the house which has heated indoor/outdoor pools and all the luxuries. Well, if you want to put a mortgage on the house you will only have to pay $750,000 a MONTH, or $25,000 a day...! I can't imagine what the insurance and taxes on this house would cost... Perhaps I have been wording this incorrectly and I should be calling this a castle.

The plan for this weekend is/was to work on building a headboard but the cold temperatures are starting to get a little too cold. Low 20's for the high through the weekend and then a chance of snow early next week. Gee, I think Phil might have gotten the prediction wrong this time! Have a good weekend, and stay warm!

Until again
