Veterans Day
Veterans Day here in Central Nebraska is a cold and rainy day. No snow, but we do have rain and ice. The office is closed today so Emryk and I are spending our morning at home watching Sesame Street and staying warm. Later today we will be going in for his four month check up and then I will be going to the dentist. Although I am taking advantage of my day home from work by spending it with my family, it's important to remember we have troops who are fighting and have fought for our freedom and it is important to thank them for their service.
When I think of Veterans I often think of my grandfather who served during World War II in the Navy. During the invasion of France, more specifically on D-Day, he manned the landing craft that transported soldiers from ships and took them to the shores of Omaha Beach.
The landing craft was hit by enemy fire and was sunk near shore. My grandpa, who couldn't swim, managed to get to shore and dig into the rocky beach. I can only imagine what a helpless feeling it would be to have no weapon and try to dig a hole in the rocks with your hands.
Sometime I would like to set up a video camera and have him tell the story. I know the general information, but the details are what makes a real story.
Here are some pictures I found on the internet of landing craft at Omaha Beach.
Those are some very amazing photographs taken during a very amazing time. Remember that here in The United States we have a lot to be thankful for and especially thankful for our Veterans!
Until again
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