Sunday, July 26, 2009


Moving is probably one of the things is life that really make a person evaluate what they have. What other time do you really go through EVERYTHING you own? Maybe you don't own a lot of the stuff you have, maybe you borrowed it several months back and discovered it hiding at the back of your closet under that pile of shoes you swore you'd never wear again..? Either way, when everything is being cleaned out of your place, you get a rather unique view of your lifestyle.

For use, it's rather apparent we are.. uh..parents. Toys, toys, baby clothes, baby 'stuff' toys and a of Laura and I's things scattered here and there. This will be the third time we have moved since we were married - and most definitely our most chaotic. Most of the chaos is due to the fact that we have a one year old who isn't real excited about having all his stuff put in boxes and packed away for a few days or even weeks. Two parents working alternating shifts and trying to pack, move, unpack with a baby wanting to walk and crawl everywhere is one of the most difficult tasks to manage.

Did I mention we are going on vacation at the end of the month? We are leaving the day we are moving out of the apartment and coming back to a different place. Emryk will probably be confused for quite some time and wonder where his little cozy apartment went - but he is going to love having the big yard to play in at the other house. Plus, things are a little quieter in the country. At least I am looking forward to all of that...

Until again


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I've had good intentions to blog the past few weeks, but as usual, I am busy and sitting down to a 20 minute blog is difficult. Maybe not the fact that I can't find time to blog, it's a matter of finding 20 consecutive minutes to blog! Tonight I am making a rather late entry just so I can get a blog in for July.

The summer project for my family was shingling our old house. We have neglected it for too long and it was time for some much needed repairs. With the new house having projects all the time and Laura and I taking our vacation to Montana (for 3 years) we finally MADE time to put in some long, hot, tiring hours on the roof. A few days were well over 14 hours, and the first weekend we worked close to 33 hours - keep in mind, there are only 48 hours in a weekend! Needless to day, our motivation was rather lacking after a few weekends of work, but we have finished shingling the house and we are ready to move onto other projects... But first, Laura and I have to move in!The dark shingles will take some time to get used to, but once the siding is replaced I think the house will look a lot better. Laura and I are looking forward to moving in and doing some repairs, improving things, and generally having a place we don't mind putting some work into. A place where our efforts won't be overlooked. I think Emryk will enjoy it too - a front yard to play in and explore the great outdoors!Until again
