Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Amherst Adventure Run

If you haven't noticed, my ability to blog has near disappeared. Time just seems to get away from me so quickly now and many things have to take a backseat to more important priorities. Nearly two weeks ago now, Laura was on her way home from work and a young gal ran into the back of her - Laura is fine, the car is drivable (for the most part) - the gal that wasn't wear her seat belt might have learned her lesson when she smacked her head on the windshield though... So that has been taking up a significant amount of time, along with cutting firewood and preparing for some winter weather!

Before all that fun began though, Laura and I ran an Adventure Run in Amherst. You might remember we did an adventure RACE this past summer, but this was just a run through the countryside (more or less). Basically, a race/run over pasture, through the Wood River creek bottom, and all-the-while following cattle trails, jumping logs, climbing hills so steep that ropes are the only option, and add to that the great decorations and hidden 'treasures' in the thick trees and you have yourself a heck of a great time!

The race had been scheduled to be run on Halloween morning, but some bad weather and rain a few days before made the access to the farm too difficult, so it was postponed until the next weekend. We talked a few friends into coming along and so we went to Amherst with a carload of runners.

I ran the 5K and Laura ran the 10K - boy am I glad I only ran the 5K - that was a difficult race for me and it was clear I need to workout just a little more. It's definitely a race I would run again, mostly for the fun of it. Perhaps next time I will do a little better, but also train a little harder too! Laura and I finished 2nd place in our age group - Laura was actually 2nd overall in the womens race. Overall we had a great time and hopefully we can do it again next year....

Until again