Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grapes Under A Shade Tree

One thing I absolutely love about my job is the fact that I am able to be outside and enjoy some the nicest days - rather than be stuck inside an office cubical for 8 hours and miss out on all the things going on. Eating my lunch under a shade tree and taking a few minutes to enjoy the peacefulness of the outdoors is one of the best remedies of cabin fever I can think of. This winter I bought a small camera to keep in my pocket and snap some photos while I am out traveling the countryside. I haven't used it too much yet, but I am sure I will get plenty of opportunities this summer. Next week I anticipate going out and checking groundwater levels around the district, so I will soon be putting some miles on the work truck and getting reacquainted with the county roads once again. Perhaps I will have a few more pictures to share in a few weeks, but for now, here's a picture I took on Friday while I was near the Platte River. The bright blue sky is one of the greatest sites!

Until again
