Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Frosty Freeze

The National Weather Service says tonight will be the first freeze of the fall. I'm indifferent to the event happening, although that does mean winter is just around the corner and the coats that have been stuffed into the closet for the past six months will soon see the light of day again. As usual I've got more on my 'to-do' list than I have time to complete but that doesn't mean I'm not making efforts to at least start them.

What kind of things you ask? Well probably the biggest thing is residing the house. The number of things needed to complete before residing is nearly complete, so getting started with that soon is a possibility. We've installed the patio, some new windows, new entry door, and we even have the siding sitting in the driveway, waiting for us to get started. Since the daylight is limited these days, about the only time to get started with that project is during the weekend - but lets not forget that Saturdays are reserved for football, which basically means Sundays are our day to do some work. Okay, so that's not totally true. I do get a lot of stuff done on Saturday mornings and sometimes even into the early afternoon - it's just not as easy to do big projects on Saturday.

Maybe more importantly right now, I need to clean out some space in the garage for the woodpile... The good news there, all the wood we need for a few months is cut and ready to burn. It won't take long to clean that area up and bring the wood in, so I'm not too concerned with completing that job. Plus, I'm looking forward to clearing some room from the woodpile so I can start cutting wood again and run the chainsaw. Running the chainsaw and then manually splitting wood with the maul is probably one of the most relaxing 'vigorous' activities I do besides running. The destructively constructive use of a chainsaw and big splitting-wedge which result with heat in my fireplace brings the most satisfactions - it's cheap and good for me!

Sadly the cold weather means it's about time to stop riding my bike. Not that I can't ride my bike in the cold or snow, but it's just not as enjoyable as riding on a warm summer evening. I guess that means I will be taking to running more often - or so I hope. I have stepped away from running once again due to my busy schedule - which is an easy excuse to make - but mostly because I would rather spend some time at home or doing something else with family. Although, it's probably about time to start thinking about getting myself back into shape, relatively anyway, and get my running program set up for the winter. I have to admit, it's the Lincoln Half Marathon that motivates me to run right now, and since I don't have plans to start into my training schedule for a few weeks yet, I just can't get myself to put on my running shoes and go.

Maybe in a few weeks I'll be able to give some updates with some results! Right now, it seems like the little jobs, along with the big projects and long-term goals are a mountain of work to take on - but I'm looking forward to it at the same time!

Until again
