Thursday, November 10, 2005

Another day, another run

Laura was up early this morning to go to the lab at get some research started. She has an experiment which will take around 40 straight hours to complete, so she decided the earlier the better. She doesn't have to be there all day, so she came home around 8:30 and we went for our two mile run. We improved nearly 45 seconds this morning. I attribute most of that to the fact there was no ice on the ground and we knew exactly where we were going.

I jumped on the computer today, just before noon (MST) and "what's this?" is running an article about losing weight by running! Click on the link to read about it - it's pretty good actually. And guess what, it's exactly like MY PROGRAM! May I say it? Ok, I will - I AM A GENIUS! They highlight three different programs, but that is under the assumption that you have already been runing 20-30 miles per week... Well guess what, I have been running zero, nada, none, 0, nothing, I have not ran on a weekly basis since the first week of May 2005.

I find it interesting that after ten years of competative running I have discovered many things from running, such as weight management, my capabilities, and mental integrity. I may not know the number crunching or scientific reasoning for such occurances, but I consider myself to be highly knowledgable when it comes to such matters. However, I can bet that if I went to any physical fitness center and were to look for a job as a running instructor or coordinator I wouldn't be considered just because my education background doesn't meet the standards - you would think experience would count for something even if you havn't had the education - but not here. This is Missoula...
Morning weight: 193
Until again



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