The Laura Addition
Well Nolan informed me that he is at a loss for what to blog today so I said that I would help him out. To start, we watched (Nolan watched while I did a puzzle) the Daytona 500. Sparks really flew in this year's race as Tony Stewart and Matt Kenseth butted head. Basically, Tony Stewart was being a cry baby and blaming Matt Kenseth for his own race mistakes. In his anger, Tony very diliberately shoved Matt Kenseth into the grass about mid-race. However, Tony was not even black-flagged for the incident. We were a little dissapointed to see that Matt did retaliate later and was black-flagged for his "aggressive" driving. Tony also tried to ram another racer later in the race which shows what as unsportman-like driver he can be. In other news, Nolan had a job interview today at Home Depot. He was a little distraught by some of the interview questions (i.e. How would you deal with an irrate customer; cite examples from past work experiences and the outcomes). It will probably be good for him though in the long run because I'm sure he will run into other difficult interviews in the future. While Nolan was being interviewed, I was at work. Today was actually a holiday at the school but those are some of the best days to work because there are so few people around making it much easier to get a lot of work done. I had a two hour break this morning while a reaction was running so I went for a walk up the M-trail. The M-trail is located on Mt. Sentinel (the mountain just East of the UofM campus - see picture). It was a nice walk because I did not run into anyone on the typically bustling trail. Due to the lack of people, the trail was nice and quiet so I was able to spot some mule deer and voles (little rodents that look kind of like mice). The rest of the day was fairly uneventful until about 3 this afternoon when someone started a small fire in the building. The fire deparment and the police arrived and talked to a bunch of us who had been in the building. It really was not that unusual of an occurence for a chemistry building but it did "spcie-up" the afternoon a bit. Well now that Nolan has had a day off from blogging he should be able to think of some new news for tomorrow's blog addition.
Disclaimer: The views expressed by Laura are not neccessarily those of Nolan
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