The Garden
So it is a quarter to nine post meridiem and I just realized I FORGOT TO POST today... I didn't have much to say, but wanted to show off the 'garden' I put together. It's a joke by Nebraska standards, but it's all we've got to work with right now. As you can see from the picture, there is grass along the sides. That grass was actually out in the middle of the garden, but I dug it up and put it along the sides to allow us to walk around the edges. It kind of looks like a gravel pile when you look at it now! We have a few potatoes we plan to plant, along with carrots, green peppers, cucumbers, and pumpkins. We don't have a real long growing season here, but long enough we should get some good crops as long as we fertilize and keep the squirrels, dogs, deer, and bears out of the garden then we should have a nice crop. You can see some of the rocks I pulled out of the dirt too, a did bury a few down deeper such as the larger ones, but the medium sized ones I threw to the side. Short blog tonight, but enough to keep me happy anyway. Until again
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