In The Garden
Our weekend was fun filled and very productive. Saturday Laura and I were able to do some geocaching. We only found two caches but that was enough to satisfy our weekend craze. Yesterday we worked outside most of the day on the flowerbeds and garden. Laura did some other work indoors while I finished up the outside work, but we are looking to have a nice yard (granted the dog doesn't rip it ot shreds again). I have some before and after photos I took to show our work. We dug up the grass in the planters and transplanted it into the backyard where the dogs have dug holes for the past few years. Hopefully it will grow back, but it's hard to know right now. We have already done some trimming last weekend so we decided it was time to shape them up and make everything look good. Here are some photo's of what we did!
Here is the garden that I worked on most of the evening yesteday. As you can see there is only a border around the outside, but as of this morning I have finished tilling the entire area BY HAND! Yes, I took a little garden shovel and dug up the grass that was in the area and planted it along the sides of the garden to create a little walking area around the outside. I managed to bruise the palm of my hand as well, from the short-handled garden shovel. I will try to get a picture of the new garden this afternoon and post it tomorrow.BeforeAfter_________________________________________
Finally, here is a picture of a little friend who stopped by while we were working in the garden. I have seen the bee flying back and forth from the flowers. These are actually right out our front window and at eye level (we live in the basement) so it's really easy to watch and see what is happening.As you can see we had quite a busy weekend doing outdoors work and we were happy to have temperatures near 60 degrees to keep us warm! Rain is in the forecast for the next 10 days so we have a good start to our spring season! Until again
The picture of the bee is really neat despite the fact that I don't like them much.
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