Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Has Sprung!

Yes, spring is here for those of us who live on the top half of the world! Some places don't really indicate that spring is here though. Places in Nebraska have 1-2 FEET of snow from the storm that blew through this past weekend. Here in Montana we recieved about a quarter inch of snow overnight and it has all melted now.

Laura arrived home on Sunday night safe and sound! I was a little worried the roads would be a problem for her to make it home, but she said they were clear the entire way and I was happy to hear that. Yesterday we went hiking in the mountains. We climbed to the top of Mt. Sentinal - a mountain we have already climbed, but we approached it from a different angle this time. We found several geocaches on the hike also. We hiked somewhere around 7 miles on the day and felt like we got a good workout in. Somehow, somewhere, we lost the trail and we were hiking along without any trail - we figured out where we were, but wondered how we manage to get off the trail and out in the middle of nowhere. Near the top of the mountain there was a little squirrel that I managed to snap a few photos of. The squirrel wasn't too worried about us as I walked around taking pictures, but as soon as I took a step in it's direction it was gone!

In other news I have had a terrible trip to Wal-Mart last night. Usually I pick up a few jugs of apple juice to drink for a few weeks. I always get the cheap stuff because frankly I just like it better. Last night when I went to get a few jugs to take along for our trip to Oregon and Washington they were all gone... No, they weren't just out of the apple juice, they don't have it any longer! The replaced the apple juice with Sam's Choice brand and upped the price $0.56! WHY?! WHY?! I ended up buying some Tang and mixing it up into a pitcher, but it's just not the same as my wonderful jug of apple juice... How I will go on I do not know, but I will find a way...

Until again



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see a picture of the squirrel.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:38:00 PM  
Blogger Nolan said...

There you go - the picture wasn't uploading earlier today. The little guy was so funny!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:57:00 PM  

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