Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Picture This

I think there is an echo..? Things are slow around here. Due to the lack of news I am gonna share some photos for everyone to enjoy.

The first two photos are actual photographs - no special effects or photoshop, nothing like that. The first photo was taken in Norway on March 6th by Geir Øye. The light display only lasted about ten minutes, but it was long enough to snap this photo.

The second photo was taken in Missouri a few weeks ago by another photographyer. The double rainbow is quite a sight. There is always a second rainbow when you see one, however the light particles may not be reflecting enough to see the second one. I really like the tree in between the rainbows and the sky looks like a great storm has just passed by as well. Hopefully we will have a few storms here in Montana that I can get out and see some great sights as well, but I know we won't see the giant thunderheads that I have seen in Nebraska in the late afternoon. Those are truely a sight to see.

A few more pictures of the house now. You can see the block in the basement is finished and Rylan and I are working on the baseplates that go around the basement. We had to chip away the wood to allow the bolts to be fully secured to the baseplate. We spent a few hours going around the top of the basement, sitting on the wall with a hammer and wood chisel, to prepare for the wood framing. By the end of the day we had our first wall built and standing. We were all impressed with how well we had put it together and stood it up. As you can see, it is a rather large wall and we didn't exactly have the strongest crew to assemble the wall and stand it up. You can see it's rather dark and we had a storm approaching, so we finished up the wall, put away the tools and headed home. The next morning we arrived at the house to find more than two inches of water sitting in the basement. We used a pump and had the water pumped in a few hours, but the water slows things down. Not to mention the amount of mud we had to deal with. Mud had proven to be a very bad deal for me. During the construction of the wall, I was attempting to 'jump' down into the basement and I slipped because of the mud on my shoes and I landed on a jagged edge of a footing. My leg recieved a rather brutal scar and it still graces my lovely leg as a souvenir from the house.

That should do it for today. I will be parked infront of the computer for most of the day. Laura has taken the car to school and my truck is still slumbering in the garage. I guess I will get back to scanning the final pictures of the house! Until again



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