Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fixin' Computers

I hope you enjoyed some of the ghost town pictures. I didn't update yesterday so I could leave them as the top post for a little longer so more people could see them. I have to admit, my fasination with history really keeps me excited to see more places and to study them as well. I never imagined that I would be visiting Rhyolite after all the work I had done in Nebraska and I studied Rhyolite on my free time. Then on our honeymoon we took a trip from Las Vegas to Death Valley and we were able to stop and see the town. Laura wasn't too excited to be there when the temperatures were over 100, but I wasn't gonna let some heat stop me from checking things out after we had gone so far, but I did cut my visit short so we could keep moving... I didn't get to see the jail and some of the other buildings which were still there, but I guess we will save that for next time!

Yesterday started out as a typical day. I checked my e-mail, read some other people's blogs, and caught up on news around the world. Around noon the phone rang, it was some of the people from the first-year grad students from the chemistry department. One of them had called for Laura and one called for me to help with a computer problem and wanted help. After talking with several people, including technical support, he got nothing accomplished. I'm not sure exactly how he knew about me fixing computers, but I told him I could make a trip to his house and see what the case was. So I walked down to the bus stop to meet Laura and walk home with her and we then went to town. We decided that formatting the computer and reinstalling everything was the best option and after an hour and a half we had things up and running better than before. I was happy things worked and that I was able to fix the computer - I actually had to do things differently than I usually do when I fix computers, but all in all the results were the same. As payment we went out to The Iron Horse Brew Pub in downtown Missoula and had a nice evening out on the town. I know Laura liked it, and this is the second time this month we have gone out to do something - we went to Munich when it was in the theater.... and that's how our typical Wednesday turned into a fun day.

Now for something you have been waiting for. A picture! I am getting close to being done with scanning photos of the house, and here's one from long ago. This is Lake Little - one of the first times it rained a few inches and we were swamped for a few days. Our blocks took a spill into the drink and made for some extra work in pulling them out of the mud and cleaning them off, but that was no big deal. You can see we had a good start with the walls, but we had to give it up for a few days and find something to do on the dry groud, which was hard to find at the time.

Here is a great picture of everyone working on the basement. I think this day the temperature reached 100 at ground level, but we had no breeze working in the basement and the our thermometer was hitting 110 easy. You can see my uncle Gary working on the wall in the theater room on left side of the picture. In the middle you can see Lana working the mortar while I work on the utility room wall, yes the wall is still standing and very stable... On the right side Rylan and dad are working on the wall next to the garage along the basement hallway. This is another one of those days I will never forget because it was hot and very uncomfortable in the basement, but we were already behind with the flooding so we had to take what we could get.

That does it for todays blog. Laura is going to be home early this afternoon. We don't have anything planned, but maybe we will find something exciting to do. The temperature is near 40 already this morning and we might actually have a warm day on hand!
Until again



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