Life Without My Wife
It's been two days now that I have been without anyone else around, namely Laura. While she is out discovering the wonders of Idaho with her school group I have been here in Missoula. There really isn't much for me to say currently. I did find a cool site that is dedicated to shoe laces and cool ways to tie your shoes. If you want to check it out go >>HERE<<.
Yesterday I did setup my own personal wireless network. I have been running about 4-5 computers on a wired network, but the wireless option with the laptop is just to convenient. Laura has the laptop with her right now so I can't test that until she gets back.
I am going to share a photo from a trip that Laura and I took last summer over the 4th of July to Cody, Wyoming. We went North of town to Dead Indian Pass and climbed up to the top of the mountain. It really wasn't anything too difficult, it was just a little steep, but we walked straight up the side. The mountain in the background is Heart Mountain which is also just North of Cody. Heart Mountain is interesting because to top of the mountain is actually older than the underlying rock. In other words, the mountain formed and then the top of the mountain arrived. No one is exactly sure how it happened, but some guesses are from the Yellowstone volcano eruption - meaning the top of the mountain exploded out of Yellowstone and landed here. Boy, that would have been a rough landing! Other speculations are that there was a mountain range near this mountain when it was forming and it had a landslide that placed the older rocks on top of the forming mountain.
Until again
Nice picture Nolan. I love you and miss you!
I hope that anonymous is Laura! HA!
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