Monday, May 22, 2006

The ABC's Of My Life

First and foremost I want to share this picture.
It has been 5 years since this picture was taken at the Nebraska State Track Meet. This was the front page of the sports section of the Omaha World Herald my Senior year. The handoff between Nick and I in the Class A 4X800 meter relay. I was the lead running for our team - Kearney High School. I could lie and say I was in first place when I handed off to Nick, but like I said, that would be a lie. I actually handed off in third place, which is all I was asked to do - but Nick did his work and got us into second place. The lead runner in the 4X800 at state is quite a wild ride, or should I say wild run in this case. Everyone gets over excited to runs way too fast. It's hard not to get pulled into that excitement as well. When we came through the first lap I was about 15th place of 16 teams. When I came through the clock said 56 seconds - I knew right then that I was in good shape because the lead runners had come through in 52 seconds, and only two guys were capable to actually finishing under 2 minutes after that pace. I passed about 10 people coming out of the 2nd turn onto the backstretch and never looked back. I went onto run 1:58.6 and make this handoff to Nick. As far as 4x800 handoffs go, this one is as close to perfect as they come. The full extention of the arms while keeping pace - we are far apart and we gained a lot of ground for the handoff. We had been working on the handoff for well over a month, everyday after practice we were on the track and going over every step of the handoff. As you can see in the background Grand Island wasn't far behind us, but they didn't have a very good handoff and they didn't catch us again until the finish line - nearly 1.5 miles down the road.... We ended up 3rd overall - but that wasn't bad for a bunch of no name guys. One of the meet officials asked us why our 'good guys' were not running in the race and to that we replied "Wait and see." A job well done gentlemen.

And now, in an effort to keep the blog interesting I am going to try a little informative survey about myself and share it with everyone. I stole this from someone who stole it from someone who stole it from someone... Anyway, I will be answering the questions and, as always, adding my own commentary.

A is for age: 23 years 170 days

B is for booze of choice: Mt. Dew - it's booze in my book.

C is for career: Currently a landscaper and husband.

D is for your dog's name: Don't have a dog, but Brooklyn lives in our backyard.

E is for an essential item you use every day: Computer

F is for favorite song at the moment: Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven has been my favorite song for many years now. However, the song I am enjoying currently is Looking Glass - Brandy (You're A Fine Girl)

G is for favorite games: Ultimate Frisbee

H is for hometown: Kearney, Nebraska

I is for instruments you play: Harmonica

K is for kids?: No kids around yet except Laura and I - we are big kids.

L is for last song listened to?: Canned Heat - Going Up The Country

M is for mom's job: DUH! Being MOM! Plus she drives the 'short bus'

N is for name of your crush: Laura

O is for overnight hospital stays: Never stayed in the hospital overnight, but every time I have had stitches it has been dark or atleast dark when I walk out of the emergency room, so it seems late at night.

P is for phobias: I thought phobias was spelled with an F...? Fobia.. Hmm, doesn't look right does it.? Actually, I don't have any known phobias but
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. What kind of sick joke is this??? If you break the word up it is Hippo-poto-monstros-esquipped-alio-phobia... That would scare me too!

Q is for favorite queer: Huh? What is this all about. I am gonna change this to queen - yes, favorite queen. My favorite queen in history is probably Anne Boleyn.

R is for biggest regrets: Well, without getting too personal... Not saying sorry to someone who I treated badly long ago - I never got an opportunity to appologize for being a jerk and I wish I would have.

S is for status: Married

T is for time you wake up: 6:30ish am

U is for underwear: Underwear? Yes, I wear them, but all that you could think of for U was underwear? Get your mind out of the gutter. I am changing this to U is for Unique Trait: In which case I would have to say my unique trait is: I'm Nolan!!!

V is for vegetable you love: Carrots are good.

W is for worst habit: Ask Laura, she thinks I have a lot.

X is for x-rays you've had: Well the dentist x-rays my teeth every year, but otherwise I can only remember two in recent years. When I was in college I had an x-ray of my foot where they thought there was a stress fracture - there wasn't. When I was a senior in high school I broke my finger playing football with my friends and I didn't have it checked out for over a year. Opps.

Y is for yummy food you make: Cowboy Stew

Z is for your favorite animal at the Zoo: Besides myself? Anything big is cool.

Until Again



Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:30 am seems a like a bit of a stretch. That is more like the time I get out of bed to make your lunch :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:31:00 PM  
Blogger Nolan said...

It says time I WAKE UP - not time I get out of bed. I woke up at 6:00 this morning when that darn crow was being so annoying!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a nice set of pictures!

Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:39:00 PM  

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