Where Have My Days Gone?
*Yawn* Well, well, well... Laura has finally got me where she wants me... I am getting up semi-early and going to bed WAY too early. My schedule right now looks like this:
7:20-7:30 am - Wake up time.
7:50 am - Start the computer while getting breakfast
8:18 am - Work boots on and round up my gear for the day
8:30 am - Arrive at work with 3 layers of shirts
9:37 am - Take off coat and get a drink
9:51 am - Remove sweatshirt and get a good stretch before continuing work
10:30 am - 15 minute break which is much welcome
10:45 am - Round up gloves and hat and back to work
1:15 pm - Lunch time
1:45 pm - Lunch time over
1:55 pm - Finally remember what I was doing before lunch and continue working
3:30 pm - Afternoon break - set down and look at shoes. Realize sweat is soaking through leather shoes and make comment to fellow employees.
3:45 pm - Back to work shortly after recovering from break
4:45 pm - Start cleaning up the work gear: shovels, hammers, wheel barrels, and such.
5:00 pm - Drag myself to my pickup and head home
5:20 pm - Stumble in the door and take off shoes
5:30 pm - Jump in shower for quick rinse off
5:37 pm - Out of shower and head for the couch for rest
6:15 pm - Laura rings the dinner bell and I muster up some energy to go round up some food
6:45 pm - Take dishes to sink and head for the couch again
6:46 pm - Flip through channels for 14 more minutes until something 'good' comes on TV
7:00 pm - Realize nothing good is on tv so flip through channels for4 more minutes
7:04 pm - See something 'interesting' on PBS and watch it
8:00 pm - Wake up and realize the 'interesting' segment on PBS was perfect to put me to sleep
8:08 pm - Head for computer to see what has been happening around the world via Internet
9:30 pm - After catching up on websites and chatting I realize I need some sleep because I am mighty tired from the day
9:32 pm - Dish up some ice cream because I can't sleep without a good snack
9:46 pm - Try to update blog - sometimes that doesn't happen because I am WAY to tired
10:04 pm - Laura yells "Are you coming to bed soon" and I actually reply "Yes"
10:17 pm - Head for bed and turn on TV to catch the end of the news - just the weather please
10:30 pm - Realize Leno and Letterman is on so I better watch that too
11:00 pm - Jimmy Kimmel is on so I better watch that too
11:30 pm - Connan O'Brian and Craig Ferguson is on now, better see who they have on the show
11:45 pm - Think about falling asleep
11:57 pm - Really start thinking about sleep
12:11 am - Start falling asleep while watching tv
12:14 am - Grab drink of water and turn off tv - it's time to sleep
12:15 am - Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz (Until 7:20)
So that's where my days have gone... Honestly I have been trying to keep my blog updated but it's been rather difficult - especially on Wednesday because I get off of work at 5:00 and Ultimate Frisbee starts at 6:15 and usually goes until 8:30 so 12 hours of my day is spent at work and playing Ultimate. I have to say, I am really liking the landscaping work. We don't do any mowing or anything. We just put in new landscape and it's all hard work, but I am having a great time being outside. It's exactly why I got into geography, I didn't want to be inside all day! Plus this is stuff I can really do quite easily... Like today - I dug holes, took apart some wooden planters, helped run the sod machine, rolled sod up, dug more holes, and removed fence posts. Repetative work, yet never exactly the same thing and always a new challenge to something... At the end of the day today the boss commented on how hard we worked all day and was very impressed with how much we got done... I will try to post something more related to Laura and I when I get my next chance - right now it is 10:00 pm and I am starting to wear thin on energy. Here's a picture of Laura while we were geocaching this weekend. Until again
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