Thursday, April 20, 2006

Working and Sleeping

Well, since yesterday (Wednesday) my life has been in overdrive! I got the job with the landscaping company and started Wednesday morning. We are starting around 8:30 right now so the cooler temps arn't such a problem, but later in the summer we will begin working earlier and earlier... Yesterday we worked on a house that wasn't too far from our apartment. We worked on a patio the entire day yesterday. We layed pavers the entire day and did a very nice job considerering we had to have one inch of slop over eight feet. That's not exactly an easy task when you havn't have much experience with it. Today we finished up the patio and I worked on a retaining wall. I was working on cap-stones for the wall for most of the day. I even learned how to cut blocks with a chisel and hammer. That was a lot of fun and I got pretty good at it VERY fast. I was making near perfectly straight cuts on my second block. I think I may have found my calling as a mason in the future. Other than that, I played Ultimate Frisbee last night and our team won and tonight I am at the school with Laura. I am working on a computer for her lab and she is doing some work. I did mow the front lawn this afternoon - I had to get the mower running, which I managed to do - then I used the trimmer and the lawn is looking really nice. That's all for now. I will try to get a MUCH better posting when I get some more free time. Until again



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