Happy New Year
So much happens when you go on vacation. So much that I have a feeling it would take a few hours to blog all the excitement that has gone on around here lately. I'm blogging from Kearney, Nebraska during our busy and exciting vacation. Too bad it's half over.
I figured I would get everyone up to date and get a fresh start with the new year. It is going to be tough remember it is now 2007...
Laura and I made it to Cheyenne with out and problems. The roads were good and we arrived around 11:00 pm. The next morning we woke up to several inches of fresh snow on the ground. For the next few days the snow came down and the wind blew, thus creating a really snowy mess to get around in. That wasn't much of a problem because we are finishing the basement and we were able to stay warm and work inside without any trouble. We had about two dozen caches to find in Cheyenne, but the snow made it nearly impossible to find them, so we didn't do any geocaching while we were there the first week.
We went to Mullen on Christmas Eve and drove a new stretch of highway which we had never traveled together. We drove around Lake Mcconaughey and saw the lake in the winter time. A new sight for us as well. We even added another county together - Arther Co., which is one of the smallest populated counties in Nebraska.
For Christmas we spent the day in Stapleton and then drove home to Kearney that evening. We drove another small stretch of highway to highlight on our map as well. We arrived in Kearney around 8:00 pm Christmas night and the GPS showed we had traveled about 1450 miles.
We did some geocaching on Tuesday afternoon with Andy & Amber and then Laura and I received haircuts from my sister. We are looking a lot better now! We did some more geocaching on Thursday in Hastings and found 42 caches, bringing us to 940 caches at the end of 2006. Friday and Saturday brought a storm to Kearney and covered everything in several inches of ice. We lost electricity the entire day of Sunday, but others lost power Saturday afternoon. Power came back to us on Sunday night so we were fortunate to have some modern luxuries. Our car was covered in several inches of ice after the storm and we had to use a hammer to break it free. Here's the pictures:The antenna: 3 inch ice ball on the end.The trees didn't take to the ice very well either. These are the trees that set behind the new house, they were never exactly attractive, but they are really ugly now! Actually, there were a few things that didn't do very well with the ice and wind. The large tower that has set west of our old house for 20+ years fell over in the ice storm. It was one of those towers you can see from miles and miles away as you drive across Nebraska. I woke up and looked out the window and noticed the tower wasn't there. Sure enough, it was laying in a pile on the ground! I haven't taken any pictures yet, but hopefully I will get some soon.
Not much to say today. Nebraska plays Auburn in the Cotton Bowl, and as long as we can keep our electricity I think everyone will be content to see the game. I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, so here's the message to you all!Happy New Year! 2007! GO HUSKERS!
Until again
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