Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Snow & Sunshine

Well as I said before, Laura and I had a goal to reach 400 caches before December 5th. We reached that goal and have gone beyond it. As of this morning we have 414 finds, the reason we have so many more is because we did some locationless caches. These are caches where you try to find something, like a historic building, or a water tower and then you post where the location is. We usually arn't as interested to do such types of caches, but as of January 1, 2006 they will no longer be allowed and we won't be able to count them as a find. So we have started trying to get as many done as we can...

It has snowed the last two nights, and we have recieved around 2-4 inches on the mountain here. Nice to have the snowfall, but I could do without the snowmobiles flying past our house in the streets. I got out this morning and scooped the driveway and sidewalk - along with the deck - in hopes the sunshine would melt away the thin snow and allow for easier travel around the house. Other wise things are still slow around here - probably for the best right now. We leave for Wyoming and Nebraska is less than three weeks and that will keep us busy enough!I weighed in at 189 this morning - I attribute that to the fact that we didn't run yesterday due to lack of time and the roads are covered in snow... One of the bad things about winter running is that one bad step and you and fall down or slide in a bad way and pull a muscle or worse, break something... I did that several times in my competative days, and I am thankful I can just relax a few days before needing to hit the roads to stay in shape.. I don't know how missing a few days will influence my training program, but we'll see - I am not too worried.. Until again



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