Monday, November 28, 2005

What a Mess!

Take a look at the NOAA weather map showing the national weather! What a mess that is huh! For those of you who want to jump on the global warming band wagon, I say go ahead - that train is headed down a one way track that isn't coming back... Sure the climate is changing, but guess what, the Earth had an ice age at one time too, and our industrial chemicals didn't warm the place up then.... I won't deny the fact that the industry doesn't help though, infact it even seems to be speeding it up, but this isn't anything that Earth hasn't been through before...

Check out these pictures my brother sent me from Kearney, Nebraska from the blizzard. I wish I could have been there to see it, I like blizzards when you are stuck at home and have no where to go! They arn't as much fun when you have to get somewhere though.

I forgot to mention in my blog from yesterday that our GPS has 22,000 miles on it - we will see on Dec. 4th how many it has, that will be the one year anniversary of owning my GPS... Think about that - my truck has just over 23,000 miles on it in three years, and here I went 22,000 miles in one year - shows how little I use the truck I guess..

I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I will be sure to do so tomorrow and get a report. Until again



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a mess here! Our neighbor had to come over with the tractor to dig us out. I heard about your blog at t-giving and I thought I would check it out. Talk to you later! Our website is There are pictures of Alex

Monday, November 28, 2005 5:03:00 PM  
Blogger Nolan said...

Always good to hear from family! Would have loved to make it back to Nebraska for Thanksgiving, but the 1,100 mile trip in the car just didn't sound like fun, especially to do it again in a month for Christmas!

Monday, November 28, 2005 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say Nolan that I don't quite agree with you on the global warming bit. The average temperature of the earth has increased at a much steeper than normal rate (as determined from ice cores that date back hundreds of thousands of years) since the onset of the industrial revolution - at which time fossil fuels began to be burned frequently. Measurements have been taken that show a large excess of CO2 being taken up by the atmosphere over and above the amount that can be taken up by the oceans. This CO2 can be directly traced to burning of fossil fuels due to the signature carbon isotopes. Therefore, although there have been warming and cooling periods in the earth's history, I disagree that this current one is "normal." I'm sure we will continue to debate our views on this issue in the future. :) Laura

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:31:00 PM  

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