Thursday, December 01, 2005

No Prescription Needed

My newest undertaking in the cyber world will be the creation of another blogspot - this one will deal with music... I like lots of music, I like all types of music, I like listening to music, I like understanding music, I just plain like music. With that, I direct your attention to:

Musix Good 4 Ya Ears

The website it I thought this was a catchy name. With todays world always needing prescriptions and such, thinking drugs and medications are the solution to everything I thought up a fun idea... If your ears hurt you don't need anything other than something soothing, what better than some prescription music? See where I am going with this? I thought so - you are smart people! Feel free to check it out and comment your thoughts or whatever...

It snowed again last night, another inch or so on the ground - just after the streets had melted most of the snow away, we have ourselves some more snow to scoop.. No trouble, I took care of it and returned indoors to clean some dishes and keep the apartment looking nice. With the snow on the streets again, Laura and I are going to try and run in the valley this evening and run along the river trail - it is pavement and crushed rock so it makes for a nice run in the snow, plus we don't have to worry about vehicles. Plus I need to run, I weighed in at 191 this morning!! WHOA buddy, I didn't think I gained 5 pounds back that quick, but I can understand why. We missed running the other day, and I have been drinking liquids like it's my job, just to keep from getting sick - so I have more than enough water weight to carry around for a few days.. That's fine, I didn't expect to see 190 until right before Christmas, so when I hit 186 I nearly flipped!

That's enough for now. Until again



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