Another Milestone.
As some of you may remember from November, I posted a picture when my truck hit 121,000 miles... Welcome now 122,000 miles. Gee, 1,000 miles in basically 2.5 months - that's practically 5,000 miles a year on the truck.
In other news, Laura and I played Monopoly with our neighbor a few nights ago. As you can see from the picure, I wasn't doing very well... Our game started around 8:00 pm and by 11:00 this is what I was left with. A lousy $206 and Virginia Avenue. But for nearly an hour I managed to stay alive, at one time I had an amazing $8 to work with. That's right $8 in Monopoly is as good as being broke. Finally, at one minute until midnight I had to declare bankruptcy. So in this case, Laura beat me pretty easy. So my Monopoly record vs. Laura is now 1-1. At .500 that isn't a bad deal and we are back on equal playing fields. Maybe we will have to test our skill in another board game now...?
Until again
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