500 Geocaches found!
Yesterday we accomplished one of first goals as a couple. Find 500 geocaches.. For my birthday last year (nearly 14 months ago) Laura gave me a GPS. Being the Geographer that I am, this was like finding the Holy Grail to me! So we started Geocaching two days later and we have been hooked since. Well, our first 100 caches was quite a milestone, and our friends are currently at 99 cache finds - soon to reach the triple digits! However, yesterday was a big step for us. We made it our goal to find 400 caches within a year, which we just barely made, and here we are 50 days later, and we have 103 more caches! That's not a bad average. Other than the Geocaching news there isn't much else to say. Our wonderful picture was taken using the limb of a nearby tree as a tripod - not bad for just putting the camera on the tree and running for the picture!
Check back tomorrow when I feature our newest toys we found on clearance last week..... *Que the mystery music.......aaaannnd CUT! That's a wrap people.
Until again
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