Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Nebraska Travel Blog: Monday

Well, here I am. Back in Kearney, Nebraska. Laura and I woke up at 3:45 a.m. on Saturday to a downpour of rain and fog. I had loaded the car up on Friday evening so we only had to make a few trips to the car with the umbrella. We managed to leave the house by 4:45 and we were on the Interstate around 5:00. After 17 hours of driving in rain, wind and sun, we arrived in Mullen around 9:45 pm after 959 miles. We managed to find 12 geocaches along the way and that helped to break up the drive and let us walk around for a few minutes before we had to move along.

Sunday we ventured south of Mullen to our family reunion. It was neat to see all the family that is related from several generations. After the reunion we went down the road a few miles and saw the new golf course being constructed. It is scheduled to open July 9 and here is the website if you care to see what it's all about. http://dismalriver.com/

Getting up-to-date, Monday we worked on my parents backyard installing sprinklers and laying paver stones for a boarder/buffer around the sidewalk. Laura and I got a haircut as well! Here's some before and after.

I also did some work on some computers. Slowly but surely things are getting taken care of and done. That has got to be the fastest day of vacation ever though - seriously, we really got a lot done, but at the same time there is a lot we want to get done... In that case I need to stop blogging and start getting stuff done. Until again



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